News and the prophecy for 7/25/2020

Código VBPN-E0006-I

VIEW:572 DATA:2020-03-20
Pandemic has not been treated intelligently, this will pose a major economic problem. And deaths continue to rise, especially in the Americas.
United States buys vaccines against covid-19 from non-Chinese industries. But vaccine testing has not yet been completed.
Alaska 7.8 earthquake shows tsunami risk, and manages the idea of ​​other seismic movements.
China and the United States continue in a system of economic and political war, which in the end will be won by the country that best manages the disease in their areas.
Police and population generate violent actions, generating more and more hatred.
The actions of the population in not seeking more ideological and less crude means, have shown biblical factors of the last days.
Pandemic, and disagreements between countries, mark more and more the characteristic of the statue's feet. Earthquake problems, occurring more and more, demonstrate links to the formation of biblical plagues.


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pandemic, violent acts, ecology, plagues of the apocalypse, neither by force nor by violence