Man of sin

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When he started acting.

As we read 1 , we find " apostasy come first and the man of sin, the son of perdition " be revealed " 1 , when this" man of sin " 1 existed , he therefore says," For the mystery of iniquity already works; there is only one who now detains him until he is thrown out " 1 , therefore this" mystery of iniquity already works " 1 , but at that time," there is only one who now detains him " 1 , what would this time be" now " 1 .

The book quoted is Thessalonians, such a book is usually dated, 51 AD, so " now " 1 , it is located before the writing of the book. Now who is this " there is only one who now holds him " 1 , reading directly from the Greek we have:

( to gar musthrion ) 2 this is for a secret, or it is for a mystery 3 , it can be defined that this is about something or some council or hidden person. ( hdh energeitai ) 2 , already active, currently operating, already acting. ( thv anomiav monon ) 2 , this wicked is alone, or is one, this transgressor is one, ( the katecwn arti ewv ek ) 2 , this possessed 4 , is still leaving, or is beginning to appear ( mesou genhtai ) 2 , to become public, to become popular.

Understanding the text, we have that there is a mystery that will be revealed, something that was hidden but that should appear, a possessed, in the idea possessed by evil, was active but was still leaving his place, he is a transgressor or wicked, and at the moment only he was possessed, but he is still leaving, so that everyone knows him, that is to say he possessed now wants to become popular but at the time his work of popularity was beginning.

Matthew Henry, defines " This passage exactly agrees with the papacy system since it prevails in the Roman Church, and under the popes of Rome " 5 , as we read that ( hdh energeitai ) 2 , already active, currently operating, already acting. We therefore have that its beginning occurs while " the apostles were still alive " 5 , therefore before 51 AD

(to be continued)....


  1 2Th 2: 1 Now as for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our meeting with him, brothers, we beseech you,
2Th 2: 2 not to move easily in your way of thinking, nor to be disturbed, either by spirit either by word or by letter as sent from us, as if the day of the Lord was already near.
2Th 2: 3 Let no one deceive you in any way; because this will not happen without apostasy first and the man of sin, the son of perdition,
2Th 2: 4 who opposes and rises against everything called God or is the object of worship, is revealed , so that sits in the sanctuary of God, presenting himself as God.
2Th 2: 5 Don't you remember that I said these things to you when I was still with you?
2Th 2: 6 And now you know what holds him back so that in due time it may be revealed.
2Th 2: 7 For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; there is only one who now holds him until he is thrown out;
2Th 2: 8 and then that wicked one will be revealed, to whom the Lord Jesus will kill like the breath of his mouth and destroy with the manifestation of his coming;
2Th 2: 9 to that wicked person whose coming is according to the effectiveness of Satan with all the power and signs and lying wonders,
2Th 2:10 and with all the deception of injustice for those who perish, because they have not received the love of truth for be saved.
2Th 2:11 And therefore God sends them the operation of error, that they may believe the lie;
2Th 2:12 so that all those who did not believe in the truth should be judged, but had pleasure in injustice.
2Th 2:13 But we must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters, beloved of the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning for the sanctification of the spirit and faith in the truth,
2Th 2:14 and for this He called you for our gospel, to attain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2Th 2:15 So, then, brothers, stand firm and keep the traditions that have been taught to you, either by word or by our epistle.
2Th 2:16 And the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ, and God our Father who loved us and by grace has given us eternal comfort and good hope,
2Th 2:17 console your hearts and confirm them in every good work and word.

2 7 (BYZ) to gar musthrion hdh energeitai thv anomiav monon o katecwn arti ewv ek mesou genhtai

7 (SCR) to gar musthrion hdh energeitai thv anomiav monon o katecwn arti ewv ek mesou genhtai

7 (TR) to gar musthrion hdh energeitai thv anomiav monon o katecwn arti ewv ek mesou genhtai

7 (WH) to gar musthrion hdh energeitai thv anomiav monon o katecwn arti ewv ek mesou genhtai

3 (3466) 
musthrion , musthriou , to ( musthv (an initiate, from muew, who sees)), in classical Greek "a hidden thing, in secret, mystery": musthrion sou mh kateiphv tw filw , Menandro; general plural "religious mysteries secrets", confided only to initiates and should not be communicated by them to ordinary mortals; (cf. KF Hermann, Gottesdienstl. der Alterthümer Griechen, sec. 32). In the Scriptures: 1. "A hidden or secret thing, not obvious to understanding": <461302> 1 Corinthians 13:02, 14:02, (from the secret rites of the Gentiles, Sap. 14: 15,23). 2. 
"A hidden purpose or advice; secret will": from men, tou basilewv , Tobit 12: 7,11; thv boulhv autou , Judith 2: 2; of God: musthria Qeou , the secret advice that regulate God to deal with the righteous, who are hidden and evil wicked men, but clear to religious, Sap. 2:22. In the NT, God's plan to provide salvation to men through Christ, since it was hidden, but is now revealed: <451625> Romans 16:25; <460207> 1 Corinthians 2:07 (on this subject, see en, I. 5 f.); <490309> Ephesians 3: 9; <510126> Colossians 1:26 m, with tou qelhmatov autou added, <490,109 Ephesians 1: 9; tou Qeou , which God formed, <510202> Colossians 2: 2; (<460.201 1 Corinthians text WH 2: 1); tou Cristou , respecting Christ, <510403> Colossians 4: 3; tou euaggeliou , which is contained and announced the Gospel, <490619> Ephesians 6:19; etelesqh to musthrion tou Qeou , said that the accomplishment of this objective, must be sought when Christ returns, <661007> Revelation 10: 7 ; ta musthria thv basileiav twn ouranwn ou tou Qeou , The proposed secret regarding the kingdom of God, <401311> Matthew 13: 11; <410411> Mark 04:11; <420810> Luke 8:10; used of certain unique events decreed by God with reference to his kingdom, or the salvation of men, 451125> Romans 11:25 <; <461551> 1 Corinthians 15:51, of his purpose of God to bless the Gentiles also with salvation through Christ (cf. Lightfoot in <510126> Colossians 1:26), <490303> Ephesians 3:03, cf. <490305> Ephesians 3: 5; with tou Cristou added , <490304> Ephesians 3: 4; oikonomoi musthriwn Qeou , the commissioners of God's mysteries, that is, those in charge of announcing the secret ends of God to men, <460401> 1 Corinthians 4: 1; used generally, from Christian truth, hidden wicked men: with the addition of thv pistewv , thv eusebeiav , which faith and piety embrace and guard, <540309> 1 Timothy 3: 9,16; to musthrion thv anomiav "the mystery of iniquity", the secret purpose formed by illegality, seems to be a tacit antithesis to the purpose of God's salvation, <> 530,207 2 Thessalonians 2: 7.

3. As az; r; and dwOs  rabbinic writers, which denotes "the occult or mystical sense": of an NT, saying: <490532> Ephesians 5:32; of a name, <661705> Revelation 17: 5; an image or shape seen in a vision, <660120> Revelation 1:20; 17:05; of a dream (Theodotion) <270218> Daniel 2:18 f, 27-30, where the Septuagint thus forms zr ;. (The Vulgate translates the word sacramentum <270218> Daniel 2:18; 4: 6; Tobit 12:07; Sap. 2,22; <490109> Ephesians 1: 9; 3: 3,9; 5:32; <540316 > 1 Timothy 3:16; <660120>    Revelation 1:20). (On the distinctive NT use of the word cf. Campbell, Dissertations on the Gospels. Diss. Ix. I. Part; Kendrick in BD American edition under the word mystery; Lightfoot in <510126> Colossians 1:26.) * <510126> Col 1:26). *

{3466} musthrion , musthriou , to ( musthv (one initiated; from muew , which see)), in classical Greek "a hidden thing, secret, mystery": musthrion sou mh kateiphv tw filw , Menander; plural generally "mysteries, religious secrets," confided only to the initiated and not to be communicated by them to ordinary mortals; (cf. K. F. Hermann, Gottesdienstl. Alterthümer der Griechen, sec. 32). In the Scriptures:
1. "a hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding": <461302>1 Corinthians 13:2; 14:2; (of the secret rites of the Gentiles, Sap. 14:15,23).
2. "a hidden purpose or counsel; secret will": of men, tou basilewv , Tobit 12:7,11; thv boulhv autou , Judith 2:2; of God: musthria Qeou , the secret counsels which govern God in dealing with the righteous, which are hidden from ungodly and wicked men but plain to the godly, Sap. 2:22. In the N.T., God"s plan of providing salvation for men through Christ, which was once hidden but now is revealed: <451625>Romans 16:25; <460207>1 Corinthians 2:7 (on this see en , I. 5 f.); <490309>Ephesians 3:9; <510126>Colossians 1:26f; with tou qelhmatov autou added, <490109>Ephesians 1:9; tou Qeou , which God formed, <510202>Colossians 2:2; ( <460201>1 Corinthians 2:1 WH text); tou Cristou , respecting Christ, <510403>Colossians 4:3; tou euaggeliou , which is contained and announced in the gospel, <490619>Ephesians 6:19; etelesqh to musthrion tou Qeou , said of the consummation of this purpose, to be looked for when Christ returns, <661007>Revelation 10:7; ta musthria thv basileiav twn ouranwn or tou Qeou , the secret purposes relative to the kingdom of God, <401311>Matthew 13:11; <410411>Mark 4:11; <420810>Luke 8:10; used of certain single events decreed by God having reference to his kingdom or the salvation of men, <451125>Romans 11:25; <461551>1 Corinthians 15:51; of God"s purpose to bless the Gentiles also with salvation through Christ (cf. Lightfoot on <510126>Colossians 1:26),
<490303> Ephesians 3:3, cf. <490305>Ephesians 3:5; with tou Cristou added,
<490304> Ephesians 3:4; oikonomoi musthriwn Qeou , the stewards of God"s mysteries, i.e. those intrusted with the announcement of God"s secret purposes to men, <460401>1 Corinthians 4:1; used generally, of Christian truth as hidden from ungodly men: with the addition of thv pistewv , thv eusebeiav , which faith and godliness embrace and keep, <540309>1 Timothy 3:9,16; to musthrion thv anomiav "the mystery of lawlessness," the secret purpose formed by lawlessness, seems to be a tacit antithesis to God"s saving purpose, <530207>2 Thessalonians 2:7.

3. Like az;r; and dwOs in rabbinic writers, it denotes "the mystic or hidden sense": of an O.T. saying, <490532>Ephesians 5:32; of a name, <661705>Revelation 17:5; of an image or form seen in a vision, <660120>Revelation 1:20; 17:5; of a dream, (Theodotion) <270218>Daniel 2:18f,27-30, where the Septuagint so

renders zr; . (The Vulgate translates the word sacramentum in <270218>Daniel 2:18; 4:6; Tobit 12:7; Sap. 2:22; <490109>Ephesians 1:9; 3:3,9; 5:32; <540316>1 Timothy 3:16; <660120>Revelation 1:20.) (On the distinctive N.T. use of the word cf. Campbell, Dissertations on the Gospels. diss. ix. part i.; Kendrick in B. D. American edition under the word Mystery; Lightfoot on
<510126> Colossians 1:26.)*

4 (2722) imperfect katecw , 2 subjunctive aorist kateicon ; imperfect passive katascw ;

1. "Do not release, detain, retain"; The. tina, to leave, followed by tou mh with an infinitive, <420442> Lucas 04:42 (Buttmann, sec. 140, 16 [ b .]; cf. Winer Gramática, 604 (561)); tina prov emauton , <570113> 1:13 Philemon. Passive (as often in the Greek writings of Homer down; cf. Passow, under the word, p. 1677a; (Liddell and Scott, with the word, II. 6)), of some uncomfortable condition or circumstance in which it takes place as one that were linked: noshmati, <430504> John 5: 4 (GT Tr WH omit the passage); en tini , <450,706 Romans
7: 6. B. "to contain, prevent" (from the course or progress of): thn alhqeian en adikia , <450118> Romans 1:18, absolutely, to katecon , which makes it difficult, that is, the Antichrist to make his appearance (see antichristv) ; the power of the Roman empire is intended; oJkatecwn, which makes cheeks difficult, that is, the advent of Antichrist, denotes the one to whom this power is delivered, the Roman emperor: <530206> 2 Thessalonians 2:06 f (cf., in addition to DeWette and Lünemann in the passage (Lightfoot in BD in Thessalonians, Second Epistle to), especially in the Schneckenburger Jahrbücher F. Theol deutsche (for 1859, p. 421f). katecw (i.e.,
thn naun ) eiv thn aigialon , to check the progress of the ship (better (see previous table) "to keep the head or the ship, cf. Herodotus 7, 59,188, etc.; Bos, ELLIPS. (edited by Schaefer), p 318, see also Odyssey 11, 455f (cf. Eustachian 1629, 18; Thomas Magister, Ritschl edition, p. 310, 7ff), but Passow (as shown below), et al. Take the verb as intransitive in a connection, viz. "to do", cf. Kypke, Observations, 2: 144), in order to the earth, <442740> Acts 27:40 (Xenophon, hell. 2, 1, 29 katascwn epi thn Abernida , many others examples are presented in Passow, under the word, II.3; (Liddell and Scott, with the word, B. 2)) c.
"arrest quickly, keep safe, keep possession of", with the accusative of the thing, ton logon <420815> Luke 8:15, followed by the orat. obliq., <461502> 1 Corinthians 11:02 11: 2; to kalon , <520521> 1 Thessalonians 5:21; thn parrhsian ( thn archn etc) mecri telouv bebaian katascein , <580306> Hebrews 3:06, 14; thn oJmologianthv elpidov aklinh , <581023> Hebrews 10:23.

2. Equivalent to Latin obtinere , that is,
a. "to obtain possession to take": <402138> Matthew 21:38 RG; <421409> Luke 14: 9. B. "to possess": <460730> 1 Corinthians 7:30; <470610> 2 Corinthians 6:10. *

{2722} katecw ; imperfect kateicon ; 2 aorist subjunctive katascw ; imperfect passive kateicomhn ;

1. "to hold back, detain, retain";
a. tina , from going away, followed by tou mh with an infinitive, <420442>Luke 4:42 (Buttmann, sec. 140, 16 [ b .]; cf. Winer"s Grammar, 604 (561)); tina prov emauton , <570113>Philemon 1:13. Passive (as often in Greek writings from Homer down; cf. Passow, under the word, p. 1677a; (Liddell and Scott, under the word, II. 6)), of some troublesome condition or circumstance by which one is held as it were bound: noshmati , <430504>John 5:4 (G T Tr WH omit the passage); en tini , <450706>Romans 7:6.
b. "to restrain, hinder" (the course or progress of): thn alhqeian en adikia , <450118>Romans 1:18; absolutely, to katecon , that which hinders, namely, Antichrist from making his appearance (see anticristov ); the power of the Roman empire is meant; oJkatecwn , he that hinders, cheeks, namely, the advent of Antichrist, denotes the one in whom that power is lodged, the Roman emperor: <530206>2 Thessalonians 2:6f (cf., besides DeWette and Lünemann at the passage (Lightfoot in B. D. under Thessalonians, Second Epistle to the), especially Schneckenburger in the Jahrbücher f. deutsche Theol. for 1859, p. 421f). katecw (namely, thn naun ) eiv thn aigialon , to check the ship"s headway (better (cf. the preceding context) "to hold or head the ship, cf. Herodotus 7, 59.188 etc.; Bos, Ellips. (edited by Schaefer), p. 318; see, too, Odyssey 11, 455f (cf. Eustathius 1629, 18; Thomas Magister, Ritschl edition, p. 310, 7ff); but Passow (as below), et al., take the verb as intransitive in such a connection, viz. "to make for"; cf. Kypke, Observations, 2:144) in order to land, <442740>Acts 27:40 (Xenophon, Hell. 2, 1, 29 katascwn epi thn Abernida ; many other examples are given in Passow, under the word, II. 3; (Liddell and Scott, under the word,B. 2)).
c. "to hold fast, keep secure, keep from possession of": with the accusative of the thing,,ton logo <420815>Luke 8:15; followed by the orat. obliq., <461502>1 Corinthians 15:2 (Buttmann, sections 139,58; 150, 20; Winer"s Grammar, 561 (522)); tav paradoseiv , <461102>1 Corinthians 11:2; to kalon , <520521>1 Thessalonians 5:21; thn parrhsian ( thn archn etc.) mecri telouv bebaian katascein , <580306>Hebrews 3:6, 14; thn oJmologianthv elpidov aklinh , <581023>Hebrews 10:23.

2. equivalent to Latin obtinere , i.e.
a. "to get possession of, take": <402138>Matthew 21:38 R G; <421409>Luke 14:9.
b. "to possess": <460730>1 Corinthians 7:30; <470610>2 Corinthians 6:10.*


2 Thessalonians 2: 5-12 -Something hindered or denied the man from sin. it is supposed to be the power of the Roman empire, which the apostle does not speak more clearly at the time. The corruption of doctrine and worship came in degrees, and the usurpation of power was gradual, so the mystery of iniquity prevailed. Superstition and idolatry were advanced by the alleged devotion and intolerance and persecution were promoted by the intended zeal for God and his glory. This mystery of iniquity, even so, began, while the apostles were still alive, people pretended zeal for Christ, but really opposed him. The fall or ruin of the antichrist state is declared. The pure word of God, with the Spirit of God, will discover the mystery of iniquity, and in due course will be destroyed by the brightness of Christ's coming. Signs and wonders, miracles and visions, are intended, but they are false signs of support for false doctrines, and lying wonders, or just false miracles, to deceive the people, and the diabolical deceptions with which the antichrist state has been supported, are notorious. People are described, who are willing as their subjects. This is your sin; They don't love the truth, so they don't believe it, and they were satisfied with false notions. God will leave them to themselves, then sin will follow naturally, and spiritual judgments are taking place, and eternal punishments thereafter. These prophecies were, to a large extent, to see the passage, and confirm the truth of Scripture. This passage exactly agrees with the papacy system, since it prevails in the Roman Church, and under the popes of Rome. But in spite of the fact that the son of perdition is revealed, although he opposed and was exalted,

2Th 2:5-12 - Something hindered or withheld the man of sin. It is supposed to be the power of the Roman empire, which the apostle did not mention more plainly at that time. Corruption of doctrine and worship came in by degrees, and the usurping of power was gradual; thus the mystery of iniquity prevailed. Superstition and idolatry were advanced by pretended devotion, and bigotry and persecution were promoted by pretended zeal for God and his glory. This mystery of iniquity was even then begun; while the apostles were yet living, persons pretended zeal for Christ, but really opposed him. The fall or ruin of the antichristian state is declared. The pure word of God, with the Spirit of God, will discover this mystery of iniquity, and in due time it shall be destroyed by the brightness of Christ


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