The Ten Words Proclaimed on Mount Sinai

Código VBLB-E0003-I

VIEW:589 DATA:2020-03-20
These "Ten Words" commonly called "The Ten Commandments", are the eternal principles, of the kingdom of Yahweh, that were "declared" not only to the Jews, on Mount Sinai, They were presented through the Jews for all mankind. At Mount Sinai, the Promulgation, the Declaration, of the Royal Constitution was taped. They are "The Words of Yahweh" that cannot be changed, much less remove them from His Constitution.

"Then said Elohym all (ha d ebārí®m) The Words ( Statements , Orders ), these, saying:" (Exodus 20: 1).
"The Ten Commandments ". Literally: (â₠"eśeret ha debārí®m) - The Ten Words ( Declarations , Orders - Exodus 34:28 ). These are " The Words ( Declarations , Orders ) of the Alliance ".
The Ten Commandments ". Literally: (â⠂" eśeret ha debārí®m) - The Ten Words ( Declarations , Orders - Deut. 4:13 ).
The Ten Commandments ". Literally: (â⠂" eśeret ha debārí®m) - The Ten Words ( Declarations , Orders - Deut. 10: 4).
This expression of the Portuguese language, " the ten commandments ", which is translated by (ARC and AVR) in place of " The Ten Words ( Declarations , Orders )", is an expression that does not exist in the Sacred Text. It is the union of the words: (ha), (â⠂" eśer) and (mitswâ; [plural] mitsvôt).
The ARA Version thus translates: " the ten words " (Exodus 34:28) "," the ten commandments "(Deut. 4:13 and 10: 4)", and the BJ thus translates: " the ten words " (Exodus 34:28) "and" The Ten Words "(Deut. 4:13 and 10: 4 ) ".
These" Words "are fundamental to be understood, in the context of Dan. 7:25; 9:23 and 25 and Ezra 8:36.


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