Earthly and heavenly representations

Código VBDS-E0016-I

VIEW:575 DATA:2020-03-20
Celestial - Heaven.
Earthly - Tabernacle.
Heavenly - Holy (separate) land. People who accepted the tabernacle.
Earth -
Heavenly Courtyard - Unholy land. People who have not accepted the tabernacle, do not participate in the people of God.
Terrena - Outdoor area.
Heavenly - Jesus.
Terrena - Door to the patio.
Heavenly - Christ offered as a participant in the nature of man.
Terrena - Lamb without spot.
Heavenly - Christ as the priest of man.
Terrena - Representation of a priest on earth.
Heavenly -Maintenance of man through the life of Christ. Christ's flesh within human flesh.
Terrena - Bread of propitiation.
Heavenly - Perfection of the illumination of truth. Christ as the light that illuminates the way.
Terrena - Candlestick with seven arms.
Heavenly - The Spirit that, when tested, ignites and illuminates the path to salvation.
Terrena - Olive oil.
Heavenly - Prayers of the righteous.
Earth - Burning incense.
Heavenly - Angels that guard the presence of God.
Terrena - Veil of the Most Holy.
Heavenly -   Guardian angels, living beings with four faces, and with two right feet.
Earth - Angels on the lid of the ark.
Heavenly - The righteous saint among men.
Terrena - High priest.
Heavenly - Angels that guard the presence of God.
Terrena - Veil of the Most Holy.
Heavenly - Condemnation to the guilty, Satan.
Earth - Horn of the altar.
Heavenly - Sins transferred to the guilty, determined by the sanctuary.
Terrena - Goat to Azazel.
Heavenly - God who chooses.
Earthly - Cast luck.


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