613 Jewish commandments II

Código VBLH-E0004-I

VIEW:580 DATA:2020-03-20



 102Leviticus 5:11Do not use olive oil in the poor man's sin offering.
351 103Leviticus 5:11Do not use incense in the poor man's sin offering.
352 104Numbers 5:15Do not use oil in the grain Offer of jealousy.
353 105Numbers 5:15Do not use incense in the grain Offering jealousy.
354 106Leviticus 27:10Do not make substitutes for any Promised Offers.
355 107Leviticus 27:26Do not dedicate the firstborn of an animal, it must be given to priests.
356 108Numbers 18: 17-18Do not rescue the firstborn of clean animals, they must be given to the priests.
357 109Leviticus 27: 32-33You do not redeem tithes; they belong to Yahweh and are to be given to the priests.
358 110Leviticus 27:21, 28Do not sell dedicated properties, it belongs to Yahweh and must be given to priests.
359 111Leviticus 27:28Do not redeem the dedicated property after the specified time, it must be given to the priests.
360 112Leviticus 5: 78Do not cut off the head of a bird offered as a sin offering.
361 113Deuteronomy 15:19Do not work with a dedicated animal.
362 114Deuteronomy 15:19Do not cut a dedicated animal.
363 115Exodus 34:25Do not offer the Easter Lamb with yeast.
364 116Exodus 23:18Do not allow the sacrificial fat of the Easter Lamb to remain overnight.
365 117Exodus 12:10Do not allow the Pascal Lamb meat to remain overnight.
366 118Deuteronomy 16: 4Do not leave any part of the Additional Offer overnight.
367 119Numbers 9:12Do not allow any part of the second Easter lamb to be kept overnight.
368 120Leviticus 22: 29-30Don't leave any part of the Thanksgiving offer until morning.
369 121Exodus 12:46Do not break any bones of the Easter Lamb.
370 122Numbers 9:12Do not break any bones of the second Easter Lamb.
371 123Exodus 12:46Do not remove the Easter Lamb from the sanctuary where it is eaten.
372 124Leviticus 6:17Do not cook the rest of the grain offering with yeast.
373 125Exodus 12: 9Do not eat the Easter Lamb raw or cooked.
374 126Exodus 12:45Do not allow the stranger or the hired employee to eat the Easter lamb.
375 127Exodus 12:48Do not allow any uncircumcised to eat the Easter Lamb.
376 128Exodus 12:43Do not allow someone who has fallen (become a stranger) to eat the Paschal Lamb.
377 129Leviticus 22: 2-6Do not eat sacred offerings while you are ritually impure.
378 130Leviticus 7:19Do not eat any food that becomes ritually unclean.
379 131Leviticus 19: 6-8Do not eat the sacrifices that remain after the third day, they must be burned.
380 132Leviticus 7: 16-18Any sacrifices left after the third day will not be accepted by Yahweh.
381 133Leviticus 22: 10-11No one outside the priest's family can eat the Most Holy Offerings.
382 134Leviticus 22:10No stranger or hired worker can eat of the sacred offerings.
383 135Leviticus 22:10No uncircumcised person can eat the sacred offerings.
384 136Leviticus 22: 2-9Priests are not to eat sacred offerings while they are ritually unclean.
385 137Leviticus 22: 12-13The daughter of a priest, married to a non-priest, must not eat of the sacred offerings.
386 138Leviticus 6: 20-23Do not eat the grain offering that the priest himself offers.
387 139Leviticus 6:30Do not eat of sin Offering whose blood is sprinkled on the inner altar.
388 140Deuteronomy 14: 3Do not eat an abominable thing, be it dirty meat or dishonorable offerings.
389 141Deuteronomy 12: 17-8Do not eat the second tithe of grain, but the feast of Yahweh in the sanctuary of the Lord.
390 142Deuteronomy 12: 17-18Do not drink the second tithe of wine but the feast of Yahweh in the sanctuary of the Lord.
391 143Deuteronomy 12: 17-18Do not eat the second tithe of oil, but the feast of Yahweh, in the sanctuary of the Lord.
392 144Deuteronomy 12: 17-18Do not eat the party sacrifices, except at the feast of Yahweh in the sanctuary of the Lord.
393 145Deuteronomy 12: 17-18Priests cannot eat the 2nd Tithing, except at the feast of Yahweh.
394 146Leviticus 1: 9Priests must not eat the meat of the burnt offering.
395 147Deuteronomy 12:17The flesh of any of the sacrifices must not be eaten before the blood is sprinkled on the altar.
396 148Leviticus 10: 13-14Priests are not to eat of the sacred offerings, except in a holy place.
397 149Exodus 29:33Do not allow a stranger to eat the Holy Offering.
398 150Deuteronomy 26:14Do not eat your 2nd tithe while you are at home in a state of ritual impurity.
399 151Deuteronomy 26:14Do not eat the second tithe in honor of the dead.
400 152Deuteronomy 26:14Do not eat the second tithe in honor of any false god.
401 153Leviticus 22: 14-16Do not allow unauthorized persons to eat sacred offerings.
402 154Exodus 22:29Do not delay in paying tithes and offerings to the Lord in the Lord's sanctuary.
403 155Deuteronomy 23:21Do not delay in making vows to the Lord in the Lord's sanctuary.
404 156Deuteronomy 16: 16-17You do not appear before the Lord at the feasts in the sanctuary empty-handed.
405 157Numbers 30: 2Do not take vows and vows to Yahweh.
406 158Leviticus 21: 6-8A priest must not marry a woman who is a prostitute (zonah).
407 159Leviticus 21: 7A priest must not marry a woman who refuses to repent of worship.
408 160Leviticus 21: 7A priest must not marry a woman divorced from her legal husband.
409 161Leviticus 21:14The High Priest must not marry a widow.
410 162Leviticus 21:14The High Priest must not marry a woman infected by prostitution or worship.
411 163Leviticus 10: 6Priests must not allow their hair to grow long.
412 164Leviticus 10: 6Priests must not tear or serve with torn sacred clothing.
413 165Leviticus 10: 7Priests must not abandon their designated orifice.
414 166Leviticus 21: 1-4Priests must not become ritually unclean, except for the closest relatives.
415 167Leviticus 21:11The High Priest must not approach any dead body.
416 168Leviticus 21:11The High Priest must not become ritually impure for any dead body.
417 169Deuteronomy 18: 1The Levi tribe will have no part in the division of the land of Israel.
418 170Numbers 18:20The tribe of Levi will have no other inheritance than the portion of Yahweh.
419 171Deuteronomy 14: 1; Leviticus 21: 5Do not shave your head in honor of the dead.
420 172Deuteronomy 14: 7-8Do not eat any impure animals.
421 173Leviticus 11: 10-12Do not eat dirty fish or seafood.
422 174Leviticus 11:13Do not eat any filthy birds.
423 175Leviticus 11: 20-23Do not eat any filthy flying insects.
424 176Leviticus 11:41Do not eat insects that crawl on the floor.
425 177Leviticus 11:44Do not eat any reptiles.
426 178Leviticus 11:42Do not eat earthworms found in fruits or products.
427 179Leviticus 11:43; Deuteronomy 14:19Do not eat any swarming insects.
428 180Deuteronomy 14:21Do not eat any animals already found dead.
429 181Exodus 22:31Do not eat a torn or injured animal.
430 182Deuteronomy 12:23Do not eat meat with blood, only cooked until it is white, without coloring, all the blood removed.
431 183Leviticus 7: 26-27Do not touch the carcass of a filthy animal.
432 184Leviticus 11: 8Do not eat blood.
433 185Leviticus 7:23, 25Do not eat the fat of the sacrificed animals.
434 186Exodus 23:19Do not cook a kid in your mother's milk, as it is a ritual of god worshipers.
435 187Leviticus 17: 7Do not eat or offer sacrifices to the gods (false gods).
436 188Exodus 21:28Do not eat the meat of a bull that has been stoned to death for injuring someone.
437 189Leviticus 23:14, 10Do not eat bread at the Feast until the Omer Oífering is presented to the priests on 15 Abib.
438 190Leviticus 23:14Do not eat dried grain at the Festival until the Omer Oífering to the priests on 15th of Abib.
439 191Leviticus 23:14Do not eat fresh green ears at the Feast until the Omer Oífering to the priests on the 15th day of Abib.
440 192Leviticus 19:23Do not eat the fruit of young fruit trees for the first three years of growth.
441 193Deuteronomy 22: 9Do not eat the product of mixed seed planting.
442 194Deuteronomy 32:38Do not participate in drink offerings to the gods (false gods).
443 195Deuteronomy 21:20Drunkenness of any kind is prohibited.
444 196Leviticus 23:29, 32Do not eat or drink anything on the Day of Atonement.
445 197Exodus 13: 3Do not eat leavened bread during the Festa dos Paes Azimos.
446 198Exodus 12:20Do not eat any leavened products during the Festa dos Paes Azimos.
447 199Deuteronomy 16: 3Do not eat leavened bread with the Easter Lamb.
448 200Exodus 13: 7No fermented bread can be found during the Festa dos Paes Azimos.
449 201Exodus 12:19No yeast can be found during the Festa dos Paes Azimos.
450 202Numbers 6: 3A Nazarite must not drink wine or any drink made from grapes.
451 203Numbers 6: 3A Nazarite must not eat fresh grapes.
452 204Numbers 6: 3A Nazirite must not eat raisins.
453 205Numbers 6: 4A Nazirite must not eat grape seeds.
454 206Numbers 6: 4A Nazarite cannot eat the skin of the grapes.
455 207Numbers 6: 7A Nazirite must not become ritually unclean for the dead.
456 208Numbers 6: 6A Nazirite must not approach a dead body.
457 209Numbers 6: 5A Nazirite must not shave his hair during the time of separation.
458 210Leviticus 23:22Do not harvest the corners of a field; they are for the poor.
459 211Leviticus 23:22Do not join the marks of a field; they are for the poor.
460 212Deuteronomy 24:20Do not add all the olives from the trees, the rest are for the poor.
461 213Leviticus 19:10Do not add all the grapes from the vineyard; the rest are for the poor.
462 214Deuteronomy 24:19Don't pick up a forgotten bundle from a field again; and for the poor.
463 215Leviticus 19:19Do not plant a field with two types of seeds.
464 216Deuteronomy 22: 9Do not plant a vine with two types of seeds.
465 217Leviticus 19:19Do not cross different species of animals.
466 218Deuteronomy 22:10Do not work with two different species of animals together.
467 219Deuteronomy 25: 4Do not gag the ox that treads the grain.
468 220Leviticus 25: 4Do not plow the land or sow the fields in the seventh year.
469 221Leviticus 25: 4Do not prune your vineyard or trees in the seventh year.
470 222Leviticus 25: 5Do not hold your harvest in the seventh year.
471 223Leviticus 25: 5Do not gather the grapes from the careless vine in the seventh year.
472 224Leviticus 25:11Do not plow the land or sow the fields in the year of the jubilee.
473 225Leviticus 25:11Do not hold the harvest in the year of jubilee.
474 226Leviticus 25:11Do not gather the grapes from the vines abandoned in the jubilee year.
475 227Leviticus 25:23The land must not be sold permanently.
476 228Leviticus 25:34Do not sell the land belonging to the priests and Levites.
477 229Deuteronomy 12:19Do not neglect the priests and the Levites.
478 230Deuteronomy 15: 2Do not demand a loan repayment after the seventh year.
479 231Deuteronomy 15: 9Do not refuse to lend to the poor because the seventh year is approaching.
480 232Deuteronomy 15: 7Do not deny help to the poor.
481 233Deuteronomy 15:13Do not send an empty-handed Hebrew slave away when he finishes his term of service.
482 234Exodus 22:25Do not demand interest on a loan from a brother.
483 235Leviticus 25:37Do not lend to a brother with interest.
484 236Deuteronomy 23: 19-20Don't borrow from an interested brother.
485 237Exodus 22:25Do not participate in a loan to a brother with interest.
486 238Leviticus 19:13Do not withhold a contractor's salary beyond the agreed time.
487 239Deuteronomy 24:10Do not take security on a loan by force.
488 240Deuteronomy 24: 12-13Don't keep a poor man's security on a loan when he needs it.
489 241Deuteronomy 24:17Do not take any collateral on a widow's loan.
490 242Deuteronomy 24: 6Don't take a man's livelihood as collateral on a loan.
491 243Exodus 21:16Don't kidnap a brother.
492 244Exodus 20:15Do not steal.
493 245Leviticus 19:13Do not steal by violence.
494 246Deuteronomy 19:14Do not remove a landmark or alter the boundaries of the land.
495 247Leviticus 19:13Do not defraud anyone.
496 248Leviticus 19:11Do not deal with anyone falsely.
497 249Leviticus 19:11Do not falsely promise another man's property.
498 250Leviticus 25:14Do not oppress each other in business.
499 251Leviticus 25:17Don't take advantage of each other.
500 252Exodus 22:21Don't mistreat a stranger.
501 253Exodus 22:21Do not oppress a stranger in business.
502 254Deuteronomy 23:15Do not return a slave who has fled the worship of false gods.
503 255Deuteronomy 23:16Do not oppress or take advantage of a slave who has fled worship
504 256Exodus 22:22Do not take advantage of widows and orphans.
505 257Leviticus 25:39Do not treat a brother like a forced slave, with no hope of redemption.
506 258Leviticus 25:42Do not sell a brother as a slave to strangers.
507 259Leviticus 25:43Do not treat a Hebrew slave without mercy.
508 260Leviticus 25:47, 53Do not allow a foreigner to mistreat a Hebrew slave.
509 261Exodus 21: 8Don't sell a Hebrew maid to strangers.
510 262Exodus 21:10Do not deprive a wife, or any member of the family, food, clothing and your own shelter.
511 263Deuteronomy 21:14Do not sell a female in captivity as a forced slave.
512 264Deuteronomy 21:14Do not treat a captive female as a forced slave.
513 265Exodus 20:17Don't covet another man's possessions.
514 266Deuteronomy 7:25Do not covet the possessions of worship (the worship of false gods).
515 267Deuteronomy 23:25A hired worker cannot harvest a brother's grain for himself.
516 268Deuteronomy 23:24A hired worker must not carry more products than he can eat.
517 269Deuteronomy 22: 1-3Be sure to return a lost item to its owner.
518 270Exodus 23: 5, Deuteronomy 22: 4Do not refuse to help a man or animal collapsing under your burden.
519 271Leviticus 19:35Do not use dishonest weights and measures.
520 272Deuteronomy 25: 13-14Do not have inaccurate weights and measurements.
521 273Leviticus 19:15A judge must not pervert justice, he must judge according to the laws of Yahweh.
522 274Exodus 23: 8A judge must not take bribes.
523 275Leviticus 19:15A judge must not show partiality to the rich.
524 276Deuteronomy 1:17A judge should not be afraid to give the right judgment.
525 277Leviticus 19:15A judge must not show partiality to the poor.
526 278Exodus 23: 6A judge must not deny justice to the poor in his process.
527 279Deuteronomy 19: 11-13, 21A judge must not show pity to the guilty.
528 280Deuteronomy 24:17A judge must not pervert the justice due to the stranger or the orphan.
529 281Exodus 23: 1Do not spread a false report.
530 282Leviticus 5: 1Be sure to report the sin or testify in an investigation.
531 283Exodus 23: 2Don't follow the crowd doing evil.
532 284Deuteronomy 1:13Do not designate a judge who is ignorant of Yahweh's laws.
533 285Exodus 20:16No false testimony in a lawsuit or investigation. V
534 286Deuteronomy 19: 16-17Judges must not accept false testimony in a case.
535 287Deuteronomy 24:16Do not judge a person by the actions of their parents or their children.
536 288Deuteronomy 19:15Do not judge a question about a witness' testimony or circumstantial evidence.
537 289Exodus 20:13Do not kill.
538 290Exodus 23: 7Judges must not condemn an ??innocent or just person.
539 291Deuteronomy 19:18Do not judge a matter until it has been fully investigated.
540 292Numbers 35:12Don't put a killer to death before the judges hear your case.
541 293Deuteronomy 17: 11-12Be sure to comply with the judgment.
542 294Deuteronomy 22:26Do not punish the innocent victim of the crime.
543 295Numbers 35:31Do not accept ransom from someone intentionally murdered, he should be sentenced to death.
544 296Numbers 35:32Do not accept rescue from those who accidentally killed, they must remain in the city of refuge.
545 297Leviticus 19:16Don't put anyone's life at risk.
546 298Deuteronomy 22: 8Do not neglect risk protection.
547 299Leviticus 19:14Do not deceive another person by giving illegal advice.
548 300Deuteronomy 25: 2-3Do not administer more punishment than the law allows.
549 301Leviticus 19:16Don't worry about stories or slander about someone.
550 302Leviticus 19:17Don't hate anyone.
551 303Leviticus 19:17Do not share the guilt of others for not correcting sin.
552 304Leviticus 19:18Do not seek revenge against your neighbor.
553 305Leviticus 19:18Do not hold a grudge against your neighbor.
554 306Deuteronomy 22: 6Do not take the mother when taking young birds.
555 307Leviticus 13:33Do not shave a diseased area of ??the skin.
556 308Deuteronomy 24: 8Do not remove the signs of leprosy.
557 309Deuteronomy 21: 1-2Don't forget to inform the priests when a dead body is found.
558 310Exodus 22:18Don't let a witch live.
559 311Deuteronomy 24: 5Do not force a groom to do military service during the first year of your marriage.
560 312Deuteronomy 17:11Do not rebel against the teaching of Yahweh's anointed servants.
561 313Deuteronomy 4: 2Do not add to any of Yahweh's laws.
562 314Deuteronomy 4: 2Do not take away the laws of Yahweh.
563 315Exodus 22:28Do not curse, insult or rebel against the judges appointed by Yahweh.
564 316Exodus 22:28Do not curse, revile or revolt against the authority placed by Yahweh.
565 317Leviticus 19:14Do not curse the deaf.
566 318Exodus 21:17Do not curse parents or teachers.
567 319Exodus 21:15Do not hit or become violent towards parents or teachers.
568 320Exodus 20:10, 31:15Don't work on Saturday.
569 321Exodus 16:29Do not conduct personal business on Saturday.
570 322Exodus 35: 3; Deuteronomy 32:22Do not ignite anger or wrath on Saturday.
571 323Exodus 12:16Do not work on the first day of the Festa dos Paes Azimos.
572 324Exodus 12:16Do not work on the seventh day of the Festa dos Paes Azimos.
573 325Leviticus 23:21Do not work at the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost).
574 326Leviticus 23: 24-25Do not work at the trumpet party.
575 327Leviticus 23:35Do not work on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
576 328Leviticus 23:36Don't work on the Last Big Day.
577 329Leviticus 23:28Do not work on the Day of Atonement.
578 330Leviticus 18: 7A man should not have sex with his mother.
579 331Leviticus 18: 8A man should not have sex with his father's wife.
580 332Leviticus 18: 9A man should not have sex with his sister.
581 333Leviticus 18:11A man should not have sex with his half sister.
582 334Leviticus 18:10A man should not have sex with his son's daughter.
583 335Leviticus 18:10A man should not have sex with his daughter's daughter.
584 336Leviticus 18:10A man should not have sex with his daughter.
585 337Leviticus 18:17A man must not marry a woman and her daughter.
586 338Leviticus 18:17A man must not marry a woman and his son's daughter.
587 339Leviticus 18:17A man must not marry a woman and his daughter's daughter.
588 340Leviticus 18:12A man should not have sex with his father's sister.
589 341Leviticus 18:13A man should not have sex with his mother's sister.
590 342Leviticus 18:14A man should not have sex with his father's brother's wife.
591 343Leviticus 18:15A man should not have sex with his daughter-in-law.
592 344Leviticus 18:16A man should not have sex with his brother's wife.
593 345Leviticus 18:18A man should not have sex with a wife at another's home.
594 346Leviticus 18:19Not having intercourse with a menstruating woman will become ritually impure.
595 347Leviticus 18:20Do not commit adultery.
596 348Leviticus 18:23A man should not have sex with an animal.
597 349Leviticus 18:23A woman should not have sex with an animal.
598 350Leviticus 18:22A man should not have sex with another man.
599 351Leviticus 19:20A man should not have sex with a woman promised to another man.
600 352Leviticus 18:16A man must not desire any woman forbidden to him.
601 353Exodus 22: 16-17A man must not have sex with a woman until he is legally married.
602 354Deuteronomy 7: 3, 23: 2Do not allow your son or daughter to marry a god-worshiper who refuses to repent.
603 355Leviticus 19:29Do not allow your daughter to be a prostitute, allowing her to commit fornication.
604 356Deuteronomy 24: 4A man should not have sex with a woman who returns to him after having sex with another
605 357Deuteronomy 25: 5A childless widow should not marry anyone outside her husband's family.
606 358Deuteronomy 22:29A man should not divorce a woman he married after being raped.
607 359Deuteronomy 22:19A man should not divorce a woman he married after being defamed.
608 360Deuteronomy 23: 1A man must not allow himself to be castrated.
609 361Deuteronomy 24: 1A man should not divorce a woman, unless she has premarital fornication.
610 362Deuteronomy 17:15Do not put a stranger in the king's office.
611 363Deuteronomy 17:16The king must not rely on military power.
612 364Deuteronomy 17:17The king must not allow himself to be governed by his wives.
613 365Deuteronomy 17:17The king must not allow himself to be governed by the desire for wealth.


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Jewish commandments, Yahweh, law, Book of the Law