Código VBPF-E0029-I
The Anointed Prince
Daniel talks about the anointed one and mentions that this anointed one is Prince 1 . And who is the prince?
We can see that Daniel quotes the Prince several times 2 . Like the one quoted about the prince in heaven. When mentioning the prince of the people, we have in Isaiah "prince and governor of the peoples" 3 . This text refers to the Anointed One or Christ. When we read "prince and governor of peoples" 3 , we have another connecting verse, which is "prince's people" 4 , which occurs in Daniel 9:26. So we are talking about Christ, the prince of peoples 3,4 .
When we read Daniel 9:25 he quotes "Anointed one, the prince" 1 , that prince is the anointed one, Christ, who is the prince of the peoples 3,4 . When Daniel 9:27 speaks he mentions the term "He" 5 , he is talking about Christ, the Anointed One, prince of the peoples 3,4 .
This becomes clear because if verse 25 of Daniel 9 mentions that the prince is the anointed, and verse 26 speaks of the anointed prince, then verse 27 is talking about Christ.
There is an interesting parable on the subject. The wedding parable states verses 25, 26 and 27 very well. In the wedding parable 6 , an invitation is given to guests 6 . This invitation is of the same style as the one given to the people of Daniel, defined the 70 weeks in which the wedding starts 7 . The invitation is made the guests did not care and still some killed and humiliated the servants of the king 6 . What was done with the prophets, like John the Baptist. The king was angry and destroyed the murderers and the city 7 , which is the same ideology as the verse of Daniel 9:26, and 27, in which he destroys the city.
So we have that the entire content of 25, 26 and 27, are relating the prince, the anointed and the consequences of not listening to God's invitation to repent.
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prophecy, prince, anointed, Daniel, apocalypse, 2300 afternoons and mornings