Código VBLB-E0014-I
Some people out of ignorance and almost always out of arrogance, do not seek to read the scriptures and quote things entirely outside the biblical concept. True lies. One of them is to say that " Laws were abolished on the Cross ", a certain amount read by a person who asked me the following question " What LAWS WERE ABOLIDED ON THE CROSS,? The Decalogue and the ceremonials of Moses, or just the Ceremonials, or none? "
As I read this question, I noticed that such a person does not seek an analytical system to understand the scriptures. On average, an analytical system involves calm and care, which requires observation. First, were any laws abolished on the cross? The answer is no. For it is mixing two texts of different meaning to create a meaningless question.
I explain, Ephesians quotes "he abolished, in his flesh, the law of the commandments in the form of ordinances " 2 , the term (καταργέω - katargeō) translated by abolishing has to do with the flesh of Christ, and not with the cross. And what has to do with the cross? Now Colossians quotes " and canceled the writing of debt, which consisted of ordinances, and which was against us. He removed it, nailing it to the cross " 3 , we have therefore that on the cross " canceled the writing of debt " 3 .
So we have to ask the question " Which LAWS WERE ABOLISHED ON THE CROSS,? The Decalogue and the ceremonials of Moses, or just the Ceremonials, or none? " Has no meaning. It mixes things that are not mixed. Since the verse does not say that the laws were abolished at the cross. Nor does it mention that the law was nailed to the cross. The error occurs because the person is often arrogant, thinks he knows, or because he does not want to have the job, does not do a detailed study.
For example the term " and canceled the writing of debt, which consisted of ordinances " 3 , in Greek is "εξαλειψας το καθ ημων χειρογραφον τοις δογμασιν" 4, reading directly we have (crossed out against the ordinance manuscript). So what we have is that the ordinance manuscript was nailed to the cross, not the law. While Christ abolished the law of the commandments contained in ordinances in his flesh, the ordinance manuscript was nailed to the cross. It may look the same but it is different. The ordinance refers to Jesus' death as part of the sanctuary ritual, for with the blood of something much greater than lambs he would purify the heavenly sanctuary. So when Christ dies on the cross, the ordinance is nailed to the cross. In other words, it occurred. But the law of ordinances in ordinances is abolished in the flesh of Christ. The law occurs for a priestly rite, while the use of the handwritten term involves the fact that Christ's death has occurred.
Everything related to the flesh of Christ is related to a priest. While the cross is not about a priest. One simple thing is that at Holy Communion, bread is not eaten as if it were the piece of the cross-table, but the body of Christ. Were the cross and the body of Christ the same thing, we would have to eat bread as a piece of the Cross, or the cross would have to be taken up to heaven as a sin cleanser. Thus, the Cross has to do with a historical fact and the body of Christ for priestly purification.
Notably the correct question would be, "What law was abolished in the flesh of Christ", see that when a person studies and seeks, the question itself is better and more correct, since the flesh of Christ is much higher than a cross. Or we could say "Which manuscript (ballot) was nailed to the crus?". Each of these can be developed an answer, but the wrong question asked by the individual cannot have an answer, as he argues that the flesh of Christ and the Cross are the same thing. Which is highly irrational. While the flesh defines a priestly action, the cross signifies a historic action. Mixing the two is meaningless as one has to do with the manuscript, or ballot, and the other has to do with the concept of norms.
So we will wait for the questioner to defend his irrationality or to construct the question correctly.
How can we do the first division of divine orders?
We can divide them into precepts, commandments, decrees and laws 1 .
It can be summed up in obeying the voice of God or the word of God 1 .
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law of God, ten commandments, obedience, sabbath, ordinances