The man's initial food is herbs

Código VBCG-E0011-I

VIEW:572 DATA:2020-03-20

When God defines man's food he describes different foods. like fruits and cereals. When we read " herbs that give seed " 1 , the origin of the term defines plants like wheat. What do you eat in wheat? The seed. So foods related to cereals, such as wheat, rye and others.

We see for animals, " I have given all green herbs as food " 2 . Here we have the term " green herbs " 2 , they represent grass, grasses, scrub in general. Some people define that in Hebrew, that green herbs are also part of man's food before sin. Analyzing the two texts in Hebrew. But looking at the two texts we have two periods of prayer, there is a separation between the term determined for man and animals. At the end of Gen 1:29 we have (נתתי H5414) 3which defines the term (נתן - nâthan) {give, grant}, plus the prepositive term (את H853) (את 'êth) defining the object of the verb. In the term Gen 1:30 we do not have the verbal point but we have the prepositive point (את H853), which refers to the implied verb.

An example would be the phrase, " Men will give water, women juice ". So will men have water and juice, or will we have water for men only? So the verse is found. Thus it is clear that human beings before sin should eat fruits and grains. And to animals the " green herbs " 2 .

In the writings of EGW we have the text extracted from CD - "Consels on Diet and Foods (1938)" e1 e2 , in which he mentions that " under the curse of sin, man was allowed to eat also" the grass of the field. "the herbs of the field were only released after sin on the curse of sin. Which shows that the grass of the field is not the foundation of the original food.

Several theologians comment on the change after sin 4 . He quotes 5 , that " The matter of his food is changed; he must now eat the herb of the field " (The question of his food is changed; he must now eat the grass of the field) 5 , he also quotes " Having by sin made himself like the beasts that perish, he is justly turned to be a fellow-commoner with them, and to eat grass as oxen "(Having done for sin like the animals that perish, he is justly turned to be a commoner fellow with them, and to eat grass like oxen). Thus we observe that the theologian's vision is to change the diet after sin, and that this diet is given to animals.

But after the sin, the flood occurs and again there is a food alteration, expanding the foods that could be applied to man. In Genesis 9: 3 6 , it states that now meat, and green herbs could participate in man's food. The same term (כירק עשׂב) found in Gen 1:30 2 . Summing up here concerning herbs we have that before sin, we ate herbs that give seeds, after sin herbs from the field, and after the flood the green herbs.

Which shows that Gen 1:29 1 and Gen 1:30 2 are related to man in 1:29 1 , and to animals 1:30 2 . Theologian Matthew Henry 7 , quotes. " And He made man in His likeness, created him indeed to multiply as the other living creatures, but gave him dominion over them, and made him the center and head of God's creation on the earth. The seeds of the fruitful earth were given to him, the green herb and its increase to the beasts"(And He made man in His image, created in fact to multiply like other living creatures, but gave him dominion over them, and made him the center and head of God's creation on earth. The seeds of the earth fertile were given to him, the green grass and its products for animals.).

When the University of Cambridge came across the topic, it published the following excerpt " to every beast of the earth] God ordains that the wild beasts, the birds, and all living creatures, shall have the leaves for their food. The words," every green herb, ”would be more literally“ all the green, or verdure, of the herbs. ” A distinction is therefore drawn between the food ordained for mankind and the food ordained for the animals.Man is to have the herb bearing seed and the fruit of the trees (Gen_1: 29): the animals are to feed on the grass and the leaves."(all animals on earth] God commands that wild animals, birds, and all living things, should have leaves for their food. The words," all green grass, "would be more literally" all green , or vegetable, of herbs. "The distinction is therefore drawn between food ordered for humanity and food ordered for animals. Man is to have the seeded herbs and the fruits of the trees (Gen_1: 29): the animals are to feed on grass and leaves.).

At Cambridge University we have archaeologists, linguists, both from Hebrew and from the history of Hebrew formation. Such scholars determine the separation between the verse of Gen 1:29 1 , of Gen 1:30 2 , regarding the food distinction between animals and man.

In the comments by Keil & Delitzsch 9 , which has an analysis more related to Hebrew, we have the following quote. " In conclusion, the food of both man and beast is pointed out in Gen_1: 29, Gen_1: 30, exclusively from the vegetable kingdom. Man is to eat of“ every seed-bearing herb on the face of all the earth, and every tree on which there are fruits containing seed, ”consequently of the productions of both field and tree, in other words, of corn and fruit; the animals are to eat of“ every green herb, ”ie, of vegetables or green plants, and grass."(In conclusion, the food of man and animals is pointed at Gen_1: 29, Gen_1: 30, exclusively from the vegetable kingdom. Man will eat" every herb with seed on the face of the whole earth, and every tree in that there are fruits that contain seeds ", consequently, of field and tree production, in other words, of corn and fruit; the animals are eating" all green grass ", that is, of vegetables or green plants, and grass. ) 9 .

But adds Keil & Delitzsch 9 , " It was not till after the flood, that men received authority from God to employ the flesh of animals as well as the green herb as food (Gen_9: 3); " (It was only after the flood, that men received authority from God to employ the flesh of animals, as well as green grass as food (Gen_9: 3);).

We conclude, therefore, that man before sin was originally given fruits and grains, with sin coming we have the herbs of the field, and after the flood we have animal flesh and green herbs. What is observed is that the land without the grace of God directly influencing causes a reduction in food production making it necessary to search for food sources. Since you are not obliged to eat herbs from the field, nor meat, nor green herbs. As long as man's nutritional needs are satisfied. In various concepts of the scriptures the maintenance of man's life is more important than the food he eats. So you must not starve. But in case of choice, the food closest to the Edenic ideal is advisable,

1. Version: Português: João Ferreira de Almeida Revised and Updated
Genesis 1:29 And God said: Behold, I have given you all the herbs that give seed and are on the surface of all the earth and all the trees where there is fruit that gives seed; that will be yours for food.
2. Gen 1:30 And to all the animals of the earth, to all the birds of the sky and to all the living beings that crawl on the earth, I have given all the green herbs as food. And so it was.
3. Gen 1:29 ויאמר H559 אלהים H430 הנה H2009 נתתי H5414 לכם את H853 כל H3605 עשׂב H6212 זרע H2232 זרע H2233 אשׁר H834 על H5921 פני H6440 כל H3605 הארץ H776 ואת H853 כל H3605 העץ H6086 אשׁר H834 בו פרי H6529 עץ H6086 זרע H2232 זרע H2233 לכם יהיה H1961 לאכלה: H402
Gen 1:30 ולכל H3605 חית H2416 הארץ H776 ולכל H3605 עוף H5775 השׁמים H8064 ולכל H3605 רומשׂ H7430 על H5921 הארץ H776 אשׁר H834 בו נפשׁ H5315 חיה H2416 את H853 כל H3605 ירק H3418 עשׂב H6212 לאכלה H402 ויהי H1961 כן: H3651
4. Gen 3:18 it bring you thorns and thistles; and you will eat the herbs of the field.
5. Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible - Matthew Henry (1662 - 1714) (Genesis 3: 1-5)
6. Gen 9: 3 Everything that moves and lives will serve you as well as the green herb; I have given you everything.
7. Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible Matthew Henry (1662 - 1714) (Genesis 1: 1-31)
8. The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges, By Cambridge University Press. (Genesis 1:30).
9. Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament - Johann (CF) Keil (1807-1888) & Franz Delitzsch (1813-1890) (Genesis 1: 24-31)

e1. (1905) MH 295, 296
111. In order to know what are the best foods, we must study God's original plan for man's diet. He who created man and who understands his needs appointed Adam his food. "Behold," He said, "I have given you every herb yielding seed,... And every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food." Upon leaving Eden to gain his livelihood by tilling the earth under the curse of sin, man received permission to eat also "the herb of the field." {CD 81.1}

e2. 111. In order to know what the best foods are, we must study God's original plan for man's regime. One who created man and who understands his needs named Adam his food. "Behold," He said, "I have given you every herb that gives seed, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree producing seeds; ... They will be yours for food." In leaving Eden to earn his livelihood by plowing the land under the curse of sin, man was allowed to eat "the grass of the field." {CD 81.1}


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