Do you know the history of ancient and modern Jerusalem? And what will happen to her?

Código VBHC-E0005-I

VIEW:575 DATA:2020-03-20

Ancient Jerusalem

The remote Jerusalem long before the period of Moises, its first account is found in several texts as texts 10.5.355, 10.5.15083-15085,10.5.30066-30068 , as the name of Salem. The city of Salem is the natural abbreviation of the name Jerusalem, city or foundation of peace. The city of Salem involves the position of priestly city, and begins in the action of man's connection with God through a priest, the main factor of Salem is " In Salem is his tent " 10.5.15083-15085or the sanctuary of God is the main factor of Salem that is Jerusalem. The origin of the name probably has its meaning "to cities of (god) Shalim", as was known by the Canaanites and Amorites in the Abrahamic period but in Hebrew probably "the city of peace". In Egyptian texts of the nineteenth and eighteenth centuries BC, the name will be pronounced Urusalimum. In the letters of Tell-el-Amarna of Century XIV aC appears like Urusalim. In Aramaic, it is called Yerûshelem. Such a city is declared to be very ancient and always linked to the Divinity, such a factor of ancient peoples constituted a sacred city for a God bound to peace or possessor of it, the mountain being a sacred spot, relative to the peoples of the region. The historical connection of these concepts determines that the region is a sacred site from time immemorial and respected by both Canaanites, Amorites, Sumerians and Egyptians. In the holy book it is considered as the city of God, the place of his tabernacle. The main factor of the City of Jerusalem is in the existence of the sanctuary of God and its abode, and from time immemorial has been linked the Deity to this city, the lack of such deity historically decharacterizes the existence of it. In the Holy Scriptures a decharacterization of this type was foreseen,believe me, the hour is coming, when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem shall you worship the Father . " 10.5.26177 This foundation determines another study on the altered worship point, which was standard for Old Testament time, and for biblical patriarchs 10.5.30066-30068 . Jerusalem is located in such an important situation that the old testament is determined to pray towards it 10.5.9030, 10.5.11321 . so that should be prayed toward the temple. if the temple ceases to exist decharacterizes prayer to the non-existent temple.

 H8004, ????, shâlêm, shaw-lame \ ', Same as H8003; Peace place; Shalem, an abbreviation of the name Jerusalem: - Salem.

The Ancient Jerusalem of the Hebrews Geopolitics


We have previously seen that Jerusalem is prior to the Hebrews, for even before Abraham such a city already existed and was connected with the Godhead of peace or place of God, we will now consider Old Jerusalem in the period comprised by the conquest by David in the late 11th century BC until AD 70 when Tito, son of the Roman emperor Vespasian, takes and destroys Jerusalem as a way of crushing a revolt begun in AD 66. Ancient Jerusalem has a detailed Geopolitical organization, such as Low City, High City, Ofell, and Temple, the most solid column of Jerusalem's Geopolitics during the period from David XI to AD 70 is the hegemony of the temple on Mount Moriah, this factor did not change during the period of Old Jerusalem. Let's look at the map of Old Jerusalem, determined by the Hebrew University: On the map we have the followingWe see the Geopolitical separation between Upper Town, Lower Town, Ofell, and the Temple dominating Mount Moriah. By Jerusalem being attached to a sacred city the positioning of the temple involves the main factor of the existence of the city, remembering that on Mount Moriah, Abraham offered his son Israel, showing that such a place was sacred and designated by God long before David.  

The Ancient Jerusalem of the Hebrews temple site.

The main part of Jerusalem lies in the sacred feature of Mount Moriah, which is seen on the map as being the hegemonically sacred site of temple building. His account remote to the time of Abraham, where we see in Genesis 10.5.53 . The positioning of the temple building was determined by David where the Lord appeared 10.5.11231 . The place is determined in the Bible as the place determined by Jehovah, a place chosen 1 and placed for the temple, and is therefore a place solely determined for sacred works of worship 10.5.14089, 10.5.15509. The temple underwent a reconstruction and enlargement, and received the following popular names, Temple of David or Solomon, Temple of Zerubbabel and Temple of Herod, remember that the real name is Temple of God, Yahweh, House of Prayer and others, but popularly to distinguish was used the three names related to the leaders of the constructions.

The temple has its sacred site, its alteration of place would violate the very existence of Jerusalem, which was chosen to be the city of the temple of God, in which all the people of Israel went from time to time to worship.




1. H4179 - ????? / ??????- môrîyâh - BDB Definition: - Moriah = "Chosen by Jehovah"

The Jerusalem of the present times

Nowadays it is not determined as Old Jerusalem but rather Jerusalem, such a city is greatly altered in relation to Old Jerusalem, its Geopolitical structure was modified and became a city related to the historical religious patrimony of the humanity, being forbidden changes in the historical and religious monuments, being a city not controlled by the Jews but managed indirectly and directly by more powerful countries. On the map we have the following construction: Jerusalem has become a religious patchwork, divided by international treaties organized by militarily strong countries and imposed on Jerusalem such a construction is totally different from Ancient Jerusalem.Jerusalem became a patchwork quilt to be divided among several peoples who determined themselves to possess the religious culture of Jerusalem's sectors. Divided among Christians, Greeks, Arabs, Armenians and Jews, such a city no longer has the hegemonic racial and religious character of Ancient Jerusalem, now cut off by Christian temples of various lineages, Arab temples worshipers of Allah and many other temples, Jerusalem does not distinguish itself more like the city of the Holy Mount to the Lord due to lack of unique character of worship, and mainly through the Arab domination of Mount Moriah through the mosque of Omar, or Oman.

To the Jerusalem of the present times its divisions.

We see the divisions of the city of Jerusalem related to the Old City, and the Jewish quarter is only a section of Jerusalem, and Mount Moriah has become a complete domination of the Arab mosques, consisting of the Esplanade of the Mosques, the sacred region Haram al Sharif, the Dome of the Rock with the mosque of Stone and the Mosque al-Aqsa, being part of the columns of the Temple of Omar. In 129-130 the Emperor Hadrian visits the city and decides to rebuild it according to a completely new plan. Adriano renamed the city of Aelia Capitolina. In 324 the emperor Constantine decides that the city must return to its old name of Jerusalem. The Byzantine empress Eudocia authorizes the return of the Jews to Jerusalem (438), In 638 caliph Omar conquers Jerusalem. Two mosques are built in the Temple Terrace area: The Dome of the Rock (691) and the Al-Aqsa Mosque (715). In 1517 Palestine and the city of Jerusalem fell under Ottoman rule that would last until 1917. Under the dominion of the Sultan Solimão, The Magnificent, Jerusalem knows the peace and the religious tolerance.

The Mischaracterization of the Mount Moriah Region.

Having in mind that Mount Moriah is the place of positioning of the Holy Temple, chosen by Yahew as is the translation of Moriah 1 .

And bearing in mind that Jerusalem was built because of the Temple, we see a de-characterization of the Old Jerusalem over the present Jerusalem.


Current Moriah Ancient Moriah


While the former houses the construction of the Yahew Temple in which Israel addresses annually, in present-day Jerusalem it has been totally dominated by the Arab religion.

Moriah is the designation given to a rocky hill where King Solomon built the temple for God. It was his father, King David, who acquired the land of the Jebusite Araunah to erect there an altar second: 2Samuel 24: 16-25; 1Chronicles 21: 15-28; 2Chronicles 3: 1.

Today, the Islamic shrine known as the Dome of the Rock or Dome of the Rock stands on top of Mount Moriah.

The Second Temple was destroyed in the 70's by the Romans, with the exception of the Western Wall, known as the Western Wall, which still remains and is the most important place of pilgrimage for the Jews. According to Jewish tradition, it is the site where the third and last temple in the times of the Messiah is to be built.

According to Jewish orthodoxy, Jews should not enter the Temple Mount because they consider it a sacred place desecrated and because they could unintentionally violate the sancta sanctorum of the missing temple, that is, the area of ??the temple whose entrance was only allowed, and it is still so, to the high priest. It is accessible to Christians if they obey certain strict regulations.

Today, the esplanade is one of the most disputed sacred places in the world.

The Esplanade of the Mosques or Temple Mount is a sacred place in the old city of Jerusalem. It is also known as Al-Haram ash-Sharif (?????? ??????, the Noble Shrine) by Muslims and as Har Ha-Bayit (?? ???? Mount of the Temple or Mount of the Temple, alluding to the ancient temple) by Jews and Christians.

In the area there are also two of the most important temples of Islam, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is the largest mosque in Jerusalem, and the Dome of the Rock, both built in the 7th century. The second owes its name to sheltering within it the stone that, according to tradition, Abraham used to put his son as a sacrifice (according to the Bible, Isaac, or, according to the Qur'an, Ishmael). Islamic tradition claims that it was from this very stone that Muhammad ascended to Heaven. The dome is one of the most representative places of the city.

1. H4179 - ????? / ?????? - môrîyâh - BDB Definition: - Moriah = "Chosen by the Lord"

A Determination of Destruction.

In 70 AD the city of Jerusalem was destroyed, such a factor is determined by the prophecy of Daniel "shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, " 10.5.22015 . Daniel was in the Persian period, after that period the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple occurred and so remaining until 70 AD We see that on 10.5.22015 we find " and the people of the prince that is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary " 10.5. 22015 . We are still in the sequence on 10.5.22016 . Here he focuses on " the desolator shall come " 10.5.22016 and on it " the determined destruction, which shall be shed " 10.5.22016determining destruction, as we read " and his end shall be with a flood " 10.5.22015 , " and unto the end there shall be war " 10.5.22015 . Concerning the idea pertinent to the text we note that there will be no more peace over Jerusalem until the end comes, seen " and to the end there will be war " 10.5.22015 . Describing the name as a place of peace. We see that it decharacterizes the idea to Jerusalem of the Psalm of David contained in 10.5 (16093, 16097-16099) . We see that both peace and the temple are deprived to the end because " and to the end there will be war " 10.5.22015, and knowing that there is no longer the house of the Lord on the hill determined by Yaveh (Moriah) we have the decharacterization of the city. The wailing wall is the only vestige of the ancient temple of Herod, erected by Herod the Great in place of the initial Jerusalem Temple. It was destroyed by Titus in the year 70. Many faithful Jews visit the Wailing Wall to pray and deposit their wishes in writing. The Wailing Wall, or Western Wall, is the holiest place of Judaism. Tito Flávio Vespasiano Augusto (in Latin Titus Flavius ??Vespasianus Augustus) (Rome, 30 December 39 - Aquae Cutiliae, Sabina, 13 September 81) Roman emperor between the years 79 and 81. He was the eldest son and successor of Vespasian. During the reign of his father, Tito fought in the Jewish rebellion in Palestine, taking and sweeping Jerusalem (70).


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