Debates on the existence of God

Código VBDD-E0008-I

VIEW:585 DATA:2020-03-20
#God #GodExists #ReformadoresdaSaude #IntelligentDesigner #CreatoroftheUniverse #GodsExistence #Entity #freeWill

Socrates the Greek 09:04 -  


Hello everyone, I would like to know the reason why we lost the garden of Eden? Since it was Adam and Eve who made the mistake. Why do I have to be held responsible for that?

Rubens Caputo11: 37Edit

In the same way that our parents being poor, or rich, we are led to live according to the income they have. In the same way we carry characteristics of the parents, such as eyes, nose, and others. Or if a pregnant woman does not take care of her health, she passes illnesses to her children. Thus, the universal basic rules, existing in the laws of cause and effect, are passed on to the following. Therefore, a change beyond the system is necessary to adjust the system. Only something outside the system can change. So the law is passed on to the following. 

Socrates the Greek

From what I've heard on the subject, God is the one who creates souls, right? So wouldn't God be responsible for the fact that we inherited this past? Since he knew where our souls were going to live. Another factor that must be taken into account is the fact that: God as being all powerful, could he not simply have removed the reproductive capacity of Adam and Eve so that the next generations would not suffer from this same evil?  

Rubens Caputo18: 23Edit

The characteristics of the creation of this universe is based on the production of the fittest. This is the creative system of this universe. The strongest is the one who chooses the path of universal rules for the preservation of laws. So if I throw a marble with a specific strength, the ball will only arrive in one place. But if you throw several balls into shock, some balls will hardly move, while others reach places much more distant than they were alone. So the system created is the challenge system, God created rules for the best to be accepted. Evil is like the law of gravity on a planet, exceeding a certain speed never returns to the planet. So the minds that seek the best path through universal laws. They will be withdrawn to remain, while those who have not reached escape speed, will remain. Good and evil really only exist in universal concepts, in the normal analogy of people, good and evil depend on the ideology of the majority. Thus, universal laws do not depend on the majority, but on the universe, and in this the term good or bad must be analyzed. An example, a person who seeks health, is more apt in the universal norm, than one who does not. So everyone who seeks the best in the concept of obeying the universal rules of preservation, is better able to surpass the limit of the destructive, for the constructive. and in this the term good or bad must be analyzed. An example, a person who seeks health, is more apt in the universal norm, than one who does not. So everyone who seeks the best in the concept of obeying the universal rules of preservation, is better able to cross the limit of the destructive, for the constructive. and in this the term good or bad must be analyzed. An example, a person who seeks health, is more apt in the universal norm, than one who does not. So everyone who seeks the best in the concept of obeying the universal rules of preservation, is better able to cross the limit of the destructive, for the constructive.

Socrates the Greek19: 06 (edited)

I'm sorry but I didn't understand whether or not God is responsible for Adam and Eve? in other words, did I take responsibility for the error of Adam and Eve that could have been avoided by God and today he creates souls to receive for that error? Taking advantage of the question, I would like to know if God knows all things?

Rubens Caputo19: 12

I will try to be simple. Someone plays video games, and some manage to beat the final monster, others can't. But in the end it's always game over. Another interesting analysis is the matrix film itself, in which reality is posed as an illusion. Therefore life's difficulties are like challenges for the mind of the most able to choose the best path through universal laws. Therefore the smallest vision of an individual must be put to observe the complete picture, and the actions of each individual in the picture, and what these decisions or actions move the picture. For example, there are people in history who left examples of dignity and honor, which were demonstrated because they were in a place of difficulty, who made it stronger, while many people who are born, in a common environment, are placed in history as never having existed. So difficulties are the propelling tools to shape the character of those who are special to God's creation, while others live as if they never needed to have existed. So it is the spermatozoa, they fight among several so that one, or few enter the egg. Soon the good is involved in creating men and women who are fighters even in adverse and negative conditions. God's creation is about creating a race of beings that do not seek evil, even if the situation is not favorable. In the same way that the sperm rule is to keep the sperm that has the best formation possible. But for God, the important thing is the psychological because it surpasses the physical, as in the matrix film. So it is the spermatozoa, they fight among several so that one, or few enter the egg. Soon the good is involved in creating men and women who are fighters even in adverse and negative conditions. God's creation is about creating a race of beings that do not seek evil, even if the situation is not favorable. In the same way that the sperm rule is to keep the sperm that has the best formation possible. But for God, the important thing is the psychological because it surpasses the physical, as in the matrix film. So it is the spermatozoa, they fight among several so that one, or few enter the egg. Soon the good is involved in creating men and women who are fighters even in adverse and negative conditions. God's creation is about creating a race of beings that do not seek evil, even if the situation is not favorable. In the same way that the sperm rule is to keep the sperm that has the best formation possible. But for God, the important thing is the psychological because it surpasses the physical, as in the matrix film. In the same way that the sperm rule is to keep the sperm that has the best formation possible. But for God, the important thing is the psychological because it surpasses the physical, as in the matrix film. In the same way that the sperm rule is to keep the sperm that has the best formation possible. But for God, the important thing is the psychological because it surpasses the physical, as in the matrix film.

Socrates the Greek19: 58

Well from what I think I understand, you are justifying that God made us responsible for making mistakes for other people's mistakes due to the existence of natural selection. I would like to know if you think that the story of Adam and Eve is metaphorical or not ...
So I have two questions, one in the metaphorical sense and the other in the concrete sense.

Metaphorical meaning:
As God is a good being, what is the reason why he made nature so cruel? Since there is no compassion in nature, nothing exists, it exists out of goodness or mercy, so how can God demand mercy and goodness in the midst of a universe so merciless that he himself built? Doesn't God give people who have failed to adapt a second chance? In other words, people who were not able to be good enough. Wouldn't that be the reverse of what he asks of us, that is, the reverse of pity, as he asks us for pity if he shows no pity for those who have failed to adapt? And therefore, wouldn't God be there setting the example of an impetuous being? Since he does not tolerate beings that are not fit, that is, he does not tolerate beings that have not adapted.

Concrete direction;
Adam and Eve had their opportunity in the garden of Eden, why doesn't God just give us the same opportunity? 

Dalvaci Tenorio20: 16

I'm glad you don't need these answers to survive ... Because nobody could tell you ... They are inside you.
Until you can understand everything ... nothing for God is impossible!

Socrates the Greek

Will be ? The only thing I can see is that there is a contradiction ...

Rubens Caputo20: 41Edit

First, we are not responsible for the mistakes of others, to blame is to say that we are to blame for such, but we are not to blame for the mistakes of others. But difficulties make those who have character become better people. When a person goes through a life and does not improve, then there is no second chance, because in one life hundreds and even thousands of chances were given. It is one thing to change by fear, another to change by character. When we change for fear the change is not real, when we change for the character it is not concerned with the difficulties. In other words, a person of character defends his character and accepts any consequences. A person who changes out of fear, changes his life according to the difficulty.
The very existence of goodness in a cruel world, shows that goodness exists and we must follow, regardless of the consequences. So everyone has the possibility of having thousands of chances, but they don't want to take the trouble to change their character, they want to do the things they want, and after a life of paths outside the universal correct, then they want something for something they didn't do. Piety is different from idiocy, a person receives pity when he wants to be different in heart, but when he wants to fool someone, then he goes from pity to idiocy.
We all have the same opportunity to choose as Adam and Eve, only time and situations are different, we are all born in the same field and we have the same choices between good and evil, difficulties are mere help to demonstrate the real character of each individual.
The story of Adam and Eve is not metaphorical, as death is an illogical system of evolution, and even evolution should form men and women much more adapted to nature than ants or bees, which does not happen, so in some period of nature a destructive system entered the system of normal order of nature, and it is embedded in man in such a way that if man were destroyed from the earth, nature would have a chance to survive.


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debate, existence of God, creation, free will