Soul Mortality

Código VBTM-E0007-I

VIEW:571 DATA:2021-09-01

When we read Matthew 10:28, we can see a very interesting word, which can be translated as "perish" or "destroy" the soul. The Greek term number G622, which is the term "apollumi", this term is very interesting as it clearly defines the destruction of something.
Involved in the term killing, it clearly defines that the soul can be killed and destroyed. This Greek term leaves no doubt about the mortality of the soul. If the soul were immortal, it could not have the term destroy or kill, linked to both body and soul. Thus destroying the body and soul defines the limitation of these two parts. So the body is destroyed the soul too. If the body dies then the soul too.
In this way the verse clearly classifies the destructive properties of the body and spirit. Defining that man has the power to destroy the body. But there is the characteristic of death for both body and soul. And that term is linked to destroy. So both the body and the soul are not eternal, they are destroyed, the difference is who has how to destroy each one of them.


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immortality of the soul, Matthew 10:28, immortality, death,