Fuvest 2021-Q1 V

Código EMFP-E0231-I

VIEW:570 DATA:2021-09-01

In this exercise we can read:
The figure graphically illustrates a region of a neighborhood, with streets orthogonal to each other. Point X indicates a residential condominium, and point Y indicates the entrance to a park. Three residents take different paths to get to point Y, starting from point X, illustrated in different colors. If a, b and c represent the distances traveled by these residents on these paths, it is correct to state that.
Well looking at the chart we can imagine how the googlemaps maps, and the routes pertinent to it.
In the first alternative he mentions that the distances are equal, which is false. For the path "a" goes up on the Y axis, thus increasing the distance.
In alternative b, we have path "b" and "c", equal, and path a is longer than the other two, so this is the correct alternative.
In alternative "c", we have the error because "c" and "b" have the same distance. Alternative "d" wrong likewise, and path "a" is longer. And the alternative "e" is also wrong because the path "a" is longer than the other two.
Remember that in the graph there are no hypotenuses, if there were, the distances would have to be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.


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distances, route, physics, math