Dinosaurs, and extinction

Código VBAO-E0001-I

VIEW:610 DATA:2021-09-01
Dinosaurs are imagined beings based on bones.
Such animals are now extinct.
Its dating is based on carbon 14.
In other words, carbon 14 has a half-lifein which it turns into carbon 12.
And since the concentration of carbon 12 inrelation to 14 is dated.
This dating is only correct if the concentrationof carbon 14 on the earth's surface has neverchanged.
But if there was change, then the dating iswrong.
Assuming that this variation in the Earth'scrust never occurred, then the dating of thedinosaurs when they existed on Earth was 230million years ago.
The period of existence that are classifiedis the Triassic period until the end of theCretaceous period.
dinosaursThe most famous theory for the extinctionof dinosaurs, is the one that says that ameteor fell to the earth and finished withtheodifying the earth's temperature and causingextinction.
This is logical theory, and there are severalgaps.
There are others, with other gaps.
What is certain is that there were animalsthat had the bones that were found, and thatthey died and left the bones.


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