Did we create God, or did God create us?

Código VBDA-E0009-I

VIEW:590 DATA:2021-09-01

The greatest quest of modern society is to define that we create God. But is this really true?
Suppose a Greek, and this Greek is walking and encounters thunder. After a while he develops the idea that thunder comes from a god, and calls him Zeus.
So, was Zeus created or Zeus created?
In order for man to create, he needs to generate an idea, and build upon things he knows. It is necessary to know tools to create other knowledge-based tools.
In this case, it is being created. But something is not created from what is not known, which has never been seen.
An Egyptian will not create a cell phone, as he is unaware of the effects of electromagnetic systems. But then was God created or created?
For this, let us return to the Greek who developed the idea of ​​Zeus.
At the very moment he feels the effect of thunder, there is no planning, no creation, there is merely the unexpected effect of an action on his senses.
At that moment, the human system tries to find a solution or mechanism, either to preserve life or to understand what happened.
But did man create what happened or was what happened independent of man?
See that man creates in the moment, that he bases his knowledge, not on the unexpected. The man did not develop a creative concept as he was not planning the event.
Does anyone believe about what they don't expect and what they didn't see? No, you can't create what you don't expect. Creation involves imagining something, based on something one has lived and experienced, even if it is imaginative.
So, man cannot create the unexpected. The unexpected presents itself to man. Thus, the unexpected in the basic principle is God not created by man.
The foundation of the unexpected is the non-human production of what exists. Things exist without man creating them. When man makes his creation, he needs mental order to suppose or dream, through lived things, what he creates.
Human life is a succession of unexpected, unlived moments, and unhappened events. In these facts, man does not believe, he just feels, and after his senses are affected, he develops thoughts and imaginations about what he felt.
Again man did not create the unexpected, he creates the imaginative, which in his mind is expected.
Thus, uncreated God is the succession of the unexpected, and the god that man creates is defined as predictable.
Thus, with the existence of the unexpected, we can be sure of the existence of God, an entity existing outside the human mind. Since the human mind does not work with what it does not know.
Thus, the closer we are to something connected with man's independent effects, the closer we are to the uncreated God. And the more we are connected to the human imagination, the more we are connected to the man-made god.
Thus, we can say that there are several books, or texts, and even singular imaginations that manage the idea of ​​god.
The closer such concepts are to concepts free from human imagination, the more these writings or thoughts are in the uncreated God.
Driving a car, we know of the various precautions that we must take, so as not to cause accidents and generate suffering. Such foundations are linked to the way of the uncreated God.
But when an individual is drunk, his imagination overcomes his reason, and he imagines being able to do things that can end up causing accidents and suffering. Such foundations are linked to the way of the man-made god.
In order for man to really know the uncreated God, he would have to have the ability to know the unexpected, but the knowledge of the unexpected makes the unexpected become expected. Thus, he who knows the unexpected, knows the end from the beginning, and thus such a being became uncreated God.
In this way, man cannot know the unexpected before the unexpected occurs. And the moment it occurs, then it becomes a known fact, and from there, man creates imaginations about the lived fact.
In this way, man will never correctly know the uncreated God, but he can seek ways to get as close as possible to this knowledge.
Thus, if an individual considers that he cannot reach full knowledge of the uncreated God, he usually gives up seeking his existence, or even defines that God does not exist.
For those who define that God does not exist, it is necessary to define that the unexpected does not exist. In order for him to define such a thing, it is necessary for the individual to obliterate logical concepts.
Thus, logic defines the existence of unexpected facts, and these unexpected ones define a system not created by man, and thus what was not created by man, is the uncreated God.
In this way, we can clearly idealize that God created us, as we cannot create ourselves. If a human being created himself, he would not be himself, as he would be an anticipated knower of himself, and thus would have infinite knowledge about himself, which would make man omniscient, ceasing to be a man, and being an anticipated knower of the unexpected .
Thus, we did not create God, but God created us. But this God who created us is not the god that man produces by his imaginations. Thus, in order to try to know the uncreated God, he must try to be independent of human will.


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God exists, Divinity, Zeus, creator, creation, philosophy, unexpected, universe