God's Blessing

Código VBMC-E0005-I

VIEW:571 DATA:2021-09-01

And God from the highest heavens, sent how we are to bless, and receive the blessing. The divine Blessing, instituted for the children of God, those who have love for others and seek compassion.<br>And so it is said:<br>The Lord bless you and keep you;<br>the Lord make his face shine upon you and have mercy on you;<br>may the Lord lift up his face and give you peace.<br>But we could try to get closer to the text. And so saying.<br>Yehovah bless you and keep you;<br>Yehovah make his face shine on you and have mercy on you;<br>Yehová on you raise your face and give you peace.<br>And yet we can translate, and still define this blessing.<br>The eternal bless you and keep you;<br>May the eternal make his face shine upon you and have mercy on you;<br>The eternal on you lift up your face and give you peace.<br>And so we have the blessing of the Most High over all his children.<br>Remember this blessing in your difficulties, and try to trust the messages from heaven, until the Most High grants deliverance.


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Divine blessing, Peace of God, the light of God, mercy