Climate change and the prophecy of Jesu's return

Código VBPV-E0003-I

VIEW:578 DATA:2021-09-01

Climate changes and ecological catastrophes, is there any factor that defines the proximity of Jesus' return?
The first factor is that there must be human beings for Jesus to come and fetch. If the earth is completely destroyed there will be no life in it, and so there will be no sense in Jesus' return to find the earth without anyone.
Therefore, everything that generates global destruction is a sign of the prophecy of Jesus' Return. We can read in Revelation 11:18.
The nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come to judge the dead and to reward your servants, the prophets, your saints and those who fear your name, both great and small, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.
We can clearly read that God comes to destroy those who destroy the earth. Wouldn't this verse be so clear, to define the men who, for their greed, destroy the land, and generate suffering to diverse people, especially countries and poor people?
We currently have heat deaths in the United States, and Canada. Also forest fires in these regions, due to the same heat effect. And we also have floods in Europe, rapid and devastating cataclysms.
Demonstrating signs that determine the bowl factors contained in the apocalypse. Man destroys the earth, and the verse is clear, defining that God will come to destroy whoever does such a thing.
And indeed, it is necessary to come to earth, before it is destroyed by man. And global cataclysms due to human pollution are accelerating more and more.
And this demonstrates a great sign of Christ's return, before life on earth becomes impossible.


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Climate change, disasters, Northern hemisphere, burning forests, floods, forest fires, Europe, USA, Canada, Jesus' return