The law and Jesus I

Código VBLB-E0007-I

VIEW:577 DATA:2020-03-20

Several people try to try to say that Jesus overturned the law, but to do such things they have to speak which verses say things they do not say.
The first thing they do is say different things are the same. For example if I say everyone has completed all the evidence, it is different from saying that I have completed all proof. For I am not all.
When we read the verse.
Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill.
Matthew 5:18 I tell you the truth: As long as there are heavens and earth, the least letter or the least stroke will disappear from the Law until all is fulfilled.
We see the term "all things come to pass," and now the word "all" is in the generic, and connected with the Law and the prophets.
A person may try to create an error and say that all is in the verse that says.
Luke 24:44 And he said to them, "This is what I told you while I was yet with you. It was necessary that all that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms be fulfilled."
In this verse the term is all about Jesus and not everything. For example let's see the following verse.
Matthew 24:15 So when you see "the terrible sacrilege" [123] spoken of by the prophet Daniel in the Holy Place - whoever reads, understand -
Matthew 24:16 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
Matthew 24:17 Let no one on the roof of his house come down to get anything out of it.
Mat 24:18 Whoever is in the field does not come back to take his cloak.
The verses cite something that would happen long after Christ's death, the theologians report that such a prophecy of Daniel is talking about the year 70 in which Marshal Titus and the Roman armies destroy Jerusalem.
Let us therefore suppose that the concept of "all," in Matthew 5:17, is the same as in Luke 24:44.
In Matthew says that Jesus did not come to abolish the law and the prophets until all is fulfilled. If we conceive that the concept of "all" was fulfilled in Jesus then we might suppose that the law and the prophets were abolished. But if the prophets were abolished, then Jesus would become a liar, for in Matthew 24:15 it would speak of a prophet who would have been abolished at the death of Jesus, and that his prophecy would still come after the death of Jesus. That is, if a person says that the word "fulfill" is related to the two verses of Matthew and Luke, then it would have to annul various Old Testament prophecies that would be fulfilled long after the death of Christ.
So to say that the two verses are linked, is first a mistake of reading, for the term "everything" can never be understood as "all about something", since one is unlimited, that is, it has no complement, and the other is limited to the complement. And also connecting the two verses generates a theological error, defining Jesus as a liar in using a prophecy that had not been fulfilled in the death of Christ.
That is, it is necessary not to conjecture imaginations in verses, but to fix the reading as the verse says. If this is not done, it generates various theological errors, as has been demonstrated.


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