Is the economy dependent on trees and water?

Código HGEF-E0001-I

VIEW:573 DATA:2021-09-01

Water, trees and the economy go together. But is the economy dependent on trees and water?
No trees, no water either. No water, no food and no hydropower. Hydroelectric power is the cheapest energy source.
But its use involves the conservation of nature, following ecological rules. Destroying nature is to reduce the capacity of hydroelectric plants, because by reducing the trees, the water that turns the hydroelectric turbines is reduced.
Ignoring this rule does not prevent water shortages from happening. The laws of nature, once violated, have their consequences. And currently, the consequences are falling on Brazil. For over 111 years there has never been any warning of such a drought.
As a result, thermal power plants are connected and the cost of energy grows, this cost is passed on to products and services, inflation ends up increasing, and the cycle continues if it does not generate ways to reduce costs that exceed spending on more expensive energy.
When you destroy nature, you are accepting an economic crisis for the future.
In the 70s, the destruction of nature did not generate quick response factors, but now in this period of 2021, the destructions lead to responses of a year or even months. This is because the balance system is at its limit.
In fact, world governments are seeing such effects, but changing the economic system based on the dilapidation of nature would lead to the downfall of many large companies and their entrepreneurs.
But there will come a time when you will no longer be able to withstand the effects of consequences. Economy and nature, for lack of water, will forcefully collapse.
Currently, several companies are noticing that this collapse is already taking place, and are looking for mechanisms to reduce pollution.
But look how interesting! A company creates an electric car, based on getting renewable energy, such as hydroelectric, but due to the devastation of nature, it does not have water to turn the turbines and generate energy. So, electric term is used to generate energy, which generates pollution.
So, it's not just about creating equipment that uses clean energy. It is necessary to have this energy in the ecological cycle, which is destroyed.
And the destruction is always extremely quicker than the reconstruction of what was destroyed. And here we reach the biggest economic impasse: there is no time to repair nature and develop the economy in the standard system. And to change the system is to completely change the world's way of life.
But with nature there is no bargain. You either obey the laws of physics or accept the consequences.
Let's assume that everyone decides to take care of nature, yet all humanity will suffer the effects caused by 60 years of devastation, and for again water cycles to return to the point of generating new plants, it will take many years.
But don't think that the political and economic systems don't know that, they know, but they don't have a solution. For water and trees are falling, and with it the economy will also fall.


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Ecology, nature, devastation, lack of water, energy, hydropower, greenhouse effect, economy