The Blessing of Enoch

Código VBAA-E0005-I

VIEW:578 DATA:2020-03-20

This section is Enoch's introduction to the book. At 1.2, he explains how the angels (Watchers) showed him a vision of the future. At 1.5, the Watchers are mentioned; here Enoch means the run-away rebel Watchers who came to live in his area (this is described in section 3).

In the bible (Gen. 6.4), the descendants of the Watchers are described as giants or Nephilim, they may have been bigger than the local people, Enoch describes them as giants, 7.2, Andrew Collins' investigations suggest that a race of unusually large people did once exist. (See his book From the Ashes of Angels)

The main theme is that of destruction; God is going to clear away the sinners, so that good people can have peace. This is the Flood of Noah which was still some way off when Enoch wrote the book, although there are details of a ‘second end’ later in the book (see the 10 weeks).


1.1    These are the words of the blessing of Enoch; according to which he blessed the chosen and righteous who must be present on the day of distress, which is appointed, for the removal of all the wicked and impious.

1.2    And Enoch began his story and said: -

There was a righteous man whose eyes were opened by the Lord, and he saw a Holy vision in the Heavens, which the Angels showed to me. And I heard everything from them, and I understood what I saw: but not for this generation, but for a distant generation that will come.

1.3    Concerning the Chosen I spoke; and I uttered a parable concerning them: The Holy and Great One will come out of his dwelling.

1.4    And the Eternal God will tread from there upon Mount Sinai, and he will appear with his Host, and will appear in the strength of his power from Heaven.

1.5    And all will be afraid, and the Watchers will shake, and fear and great trembling will seize them, up to the ends of the earth.

1.6    And the high mountains will be shaken; and the high hills will be laid low and will melt like wax in a flame.

1.7    And the earth will sink, and everything that is on the earth will be destroyed, and there will be judgment upon all, and upon all the righteous.

1.8    But for the righteous: He will make peace, and He will keep safe the Chosen, and mercy will be upon them. They will all belong to God, and will prosper and be blessed, and the light of God will shine on them.

1.9    And behold! He comes with ten thousand Holy Ones; to execute judgment upon them and to destroy the impious, and to contend with all flesh concerning everything that the sinners and the impious have done and wrought against Him.



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