Evolution rates make species diversity impossible

Código EFCU-E0013-I

VIEW:572 DATA:0000-00-00
Richard Lenksi carried out an experiment that lasted more than 25 years in which he generated several generations of the Escherichia coli bacteria in the laboratory, generating 10,000 generations in the study.
With this generation rate, it was possible to notice a high evolutionary action, if we define that mutational rates are necessary to prove the variability of species on planet Earth.
It just doesn't, the study says, "However, we haven't seen any convincing evidence of any more radical scoring, such as when an adaptive change triggers a cascade of other changes."
What happens is that even in diversities of generations in an experiment of 25 years, it did not generate mutations in level and quality to explain the macro evolutions.
Since an evolution is not linked to a hostile environment that would reduce the number of species, but the number of individuals.
Even so, with food reduction or not, the experiment demonstrated that it had no mutation rate and quality to prove the macro evolutions that are supposed to have existed on planet Earth.
The study, for not arriving at the answers they supposed, declares several ideas of limitations, which do not balance the common environment of nature.
For evolution, if it had existed, would have an evolutionary rate not in a specific system, but in all possible systems, since the variability of species is found in the most different environments and situations.


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Evolution, mutation, species theory, intelligent designer, Richard Lenksi, creationism, species variation, Escherichia coli