Is the name Jesus bad?

Código VBTT-E0002-I

VIEW:678 DATA:2020-03-20
Many people seek to say that the name Jesus comes from an evil source, and declare that he should call Jesus by the Hebrew name. But is saying Jesus an evil form? The new testament was written in Greek, and in it Jesus is written ιησου (iesous), ie the disciples of Jesus wrote that name. It would be irrational for the disciples of the Son of God to write an evil form of the name. We also have the Septuagint, a translation of the Old Testament made before the birth of Christ. He writes the name Joshua as ιησους (iesouse). And so the countries with their ways of pronouncing each one determined the best for their language. And so we have the formation of the term Jesus.
Have you seen anything in the formation of the name that deprecates to speak the term Jesus? If it was written by disciples and by Moses, and the prophets, of the new and old testament?
Think about it.
Name, Jesus, origin of the name, ethology
The Eternal Saves
LXX (Old Testament)
III a.C.
ιησου Iosusus
New Testament
I d.C.
ιησου Iosusus
translated by Jews is



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