Código VBII-E0001-I
1. Interpretation
Using text interpretation techniques and grammatical construction, the text must be analyzed and its focal points determined, as well as the subject and predicate characteristics of each sentence, determining the relationships between subject and verb. Let's use an example:
The verse Isa 28:11 , the verse defines that " with shaky lips and a strange tongue God will speak to this people ", but how to know what is happening? Simple, interpreting the text, we have to make some statements:
2. Comparison
Using other texts, see if the interpretation relates to other texts showing a connection. There are several biblical keys, but here we already facilitate because the link in the verse Isa 28:11 already has biblical keys. In this key we find three verses Deu_28: 49 Jer_5: 15 1Co_14: 21 . And reading these three verses and comparing we can acquire the following information:
Comparison is important to curb the imagination. Many people, instead of staying on the verse, create imaginative situations that are not written and that do not support a biblical analysis. That is why the comparison nullifies imaginations, because it reduces the possibility of creating situations, without violating the logic of the other verses.
3. Use hermeneutics and analysis of other texts in comparison with the text under analysis.
At this point we must observe all the texts and draw conclusions regarding the text. If we meditate deeply on the texts we can draw the following conclusions:
It is possible to draw other conclusions, but great care must be taken not to violate the fundamental definitions.
4. Use the original construction of the text, Greek, Hebrew and LXX.
In translations, use only one word system for an author, that is, if the author is Paulo, if you use a word that has two or more different translations, use only one meaning for all books by the same author.
In this part we must observe the real meaning of the word. For example the phrase " shaky lips ", shameless which means, seeing the relationship of the word to the Hebrew term we have H3934 . Reading this reference we have that the term refers to the action of speaking as a foreigner. When we read " foreign language ", the foreign term is H312 . What defines another language, that is, a foreign language. In fact, the use of the two terms defines that it must be a foreign character who speaks in addition to the foreign language. Using other linked terms, as in 1Co_14: 21 . We can have the following Greek terms G2084 G2087 G5491 . All of them defining the same thing.
The use of the analysis of the Greek and Hebrew term, serves to cancel strange creations. For example, many religions define strange languages as languages of angels, or a system of unintelligible sounds. But according to the analysis of the Greek and Hebrew terms, together with the texts, we can clearly see that the languages are foreign, like that of other peoples. This type of analysis must be fundamental to break doctrinal errors, generated by the lack of specificity of some languages.
5. Compare with other authors' texts.
Comparing your analysis with other analyzes accepted as analytical is especially important, but it is not the fundamental, the foundation is in the analysis of the text, and in the analysis of the words. The comparison with other authors is an error detection test, if the rules 1,2,3, and 4, are not calling, which if done well is almost impossible. Usually, if the previous steps are correct, the analysis of other authors will merely serve to see the mistakes of other authors and favor the creation of responses against their careful analysis.
In this case, several commentators define the term " stumbling " as stuttering or wrong words, which does not happen because it involves the concept of foreigner, or foreign way, as it is in Hebrew terms and its connection with Greek. And some commentators cite a supposed existence of something spoken unintelligibly. What generates a dubious system. Unintelligible for being a foreigner, or unintelligible for being an alien? In a way, many commentators try to justify their faith in some doctrine by trying not to focus on the terms, and thus construct dubious terms, because in dubiousness he can assume a doctrinal imagination.
Such must be detected and analyzed clearly.
6. Use logic in each analysis step.
In this case, the analysis tool is a little more delicate. The use of logic in analysis systematizes the search for a single solution to text analysis. It underlies a construction that cannot be broken. But this is actually a little bit complicated. It would be recommended to know the basics of terms of logic, to fully understand the operation.Let ℬ be the set of all biblical verses.
Let "p" be a verse contained in ℬ.
p = Isa 28:11 .
Assuming "p" an understandable truth we have.
p ∈ᛩ
If "p" is a set of ideas "P"
If "Q" is the set of languages in the world that exist or have existed.
Can we say that Q ⊂P? (Q is contained in P).
For this answer there is a large list of constructions. Which define that it is true that Q ⊂P.
If we go on and say:
If "E" is the set of non-terrestrial extraterrestrial languages.
And ⊂P?
There is also a list of buildings that define that.
E ⊄P
That is, non-terrestrial extraterrestrial languages are not contained in the verse of Isa 28:11
Logically, this last topic is just a demonstration, of a deeper knowledge of mathematical logic that would be needed. But doing the previous topics is already enough to understand the text you want. The last topic is only necessary for careful debates. The last topic is linked to breaking false doctrinal concepts and defining that they are not contained in biblical logic.
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Interpretation, hermeneutics, truth, logic, knowledge, glossolalia, gift of languages, foreign languages