Crime is on Earth

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Crime is on Earth 

In these days when addiction and crime of all kinds increase rapidly, there is a tendency to become so familiar with existing conditions that we lose sight of their cause and significance. Nowadays more intoxicating drinks are used than ever before. In the horrible details of revolting drunkenness and terrible crime, newspapers give only a partial account of the history of the resulting illegality. Violence is on Earth. Drunkenness and Crime, p. 3. The evils so clear in our day, are the same that brought destruction to the antediluvian world. "In the days before the flood" one of the dominant sins was drunkenness. According to the Genesis account, we see that "the earth, however, was corrupt before God; and the earth was filled with violence". Gen. 6:11. Crime reigned supreme; life itself was not safe. Men whose reason was dethroned by intoxicating drink, cared little to take the life of a human being. "And as it was in the days of Noah, so will the coming of the Son of man be." Mat. 24:37. The drunkenness and crime that now dominate, were predicted by the Savior himself. We live in the final days of earth's history. Time is very solemn. Everything foreshadows the soon return of our Lord. Review and Herald, October 25, 1906. Time is very solemn. Everything foreshadows the soon return of our Lord. Review and Herald, October 25, 1906. Time is very solemn. Everything foreshadows the soon return of our Lord. Review and Herald, October 25, 1906.Alcohol and blood, I mean bloodshed, go hand in hand. "Drunkenness and Crime, page 7. Temperance page 23 Nature of Crimes Committed under AlcoholThe result of ingesting alcoholic beverages is shown by the astonishing homicides that occur. How many times does it happen that thefts, fires, murders, were committed under the influence of drink? However, the damn alcoholic trade is legalized, and it works unspeakable ruin in the hands of those who love to play with what ruins, not only the poor victim, but all your family! Review and Herald, May 1, 1900.Hosting houses, addiction dens, criminal courts, prisons, charity houses, asylums for the insane, hospitals, are all, to a high degree, full as a result of the work drinks vendor. Like the mystical Babylon of the Apocalypse, he is doing trade with "slaves" and "souls of men". Behind the liquor vendor is the powerful soul destroyer, and every act that Earth or hell can invent is employed to attract human beings under its power. In the city and in the countryside, on trains, on large ships, in business places, in pleasure rooms, in the medical dispensary, even in the church at the holy Communion table, their traps are prepared. Nothing is overlooked to create and foster the desire for intoxicants. Almost on every corner is a fun house with its bright lights, its welcome and joy, inviting the working man, the wealthy idler and the unwary young man. Day by day, month by month, year by year, the work continues. Drunkenness and Crime, p. 8. in the medical dispensary, even in the church at the holy Communion table, their traps are prepared. Nothing is neglected to create and foster the desire for intoxicants. Almost on every corner is a fun house with its bright lights, its welcome and joy, inviting the working man, the wealthy idler and the unwary young man. Day by day, month by month, year by year, the work continues. Drunkenness and Crime, p. 8. in the medical dispensary, even in the church at the holy Communion table, their traps are prepared. Nothing is neglected to create and foster the desire for intoxicants. Almost every corner is a fun house with its bright lights, its welcome and joy, inviting the working man, the idle rich and the unwary young man. Day by day, month by month, year by year, the work continues. Drunkenness and Crime, p. 8.Why Alcohol and Crime Are Related Those who frequent the bars open to all who are foolish enough to deal with the mortal evil they contain, are following the path that leads to eternal death. They are selling themselves, body, soul and spirit to Satan. Under the influence of the drink they drink, they are led to do things that, had they not tried the maddening drug, they would have gone away in horror. When they are under the influence of liquid poison, they are under the control of Satan. He rules them, and they cooperate. Letter 166, 1903. Sequence of Drinking and CrimeSatisfying the thirst for alcoholic drink, man voluntarily brings to his lips that drink that will put below the level of animals that which was made in the image of God. Reason is paralyzed, the Page 24intellect is obscured, animal passions are aroused, and then crimes of the lowest character follow. Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 561. The Judgments of God in Our Days Because of the wickedness that follows largely as a result of the use of alcoholic beverages, God's judgments are falling on the earth in our day. Health Advice, p. 432. The San Francisco City LessonFor some time after the great earthquake along the coast of California, the authorities in San Francisco and in some of the smaller cities and towns, decreed the closure of all bars. So striking was the effect of this strictly enforced order, that the attention of thinking men in the United States, and notably on the Pacific Coast, was directed to the advantages that would result from the permanent closure of all bars. For many weeks after the San Francisco earthquake, very little intoxication was seen. No intoxicating drinks were sold. The state of disorganized and abnormal business has given city officials reason to expect an abnormal increase in disorder and crime, and they were greatly surprised to find the opposite. Those from whom they expected a great deal of disturbance, gave only a little. This remarkable absence of violence and crime was largely attributed to the suppression of the intoxicating drink. The editors of some of the main newspapers were of the opinion that it would be for the permanent benefit of society and the building of the best interests of the city to permanently close the bars. The wise advice, however, was put aside, and within a few weeks alcoholic drink sellers were given permission to reopen their places of business, at a considerably higher license price than was previously paid to the city treasury. that came to San Francisco, the Lord sought to extinguish the bars that have been the cause of so much evil, so much misery and crime; and yet the depositaries of public welfare have shown themselves unfaithful to his charge, legalizing the sale of drinks. "They know that by doing so, they are virtually licensing the practice of crime; and despite the knowledge of this sure result, they did not stop. "The people of San Francisco will have to answer to the court of God for the reopening of intoxicating drinking centers in that city. Review and Herald, October 25, 1906.1906. Temperance p. 26The Drinker has no Excuses Crimes of all kinds have been committed by intoxicated people, and yet those who perpetrated them have been excused in many cases for not knowing what they were doing. This does not lessen the criminal's guilt. If with his own hand he raises the glass to his mouth, and deliberately takes what he knows will destroy his faculties of reason, he becomes responsible for all the damage he does while he is intoxicated, from the moment he allows the dominate the appetite, and exchange your reasoning powers for intoxicating drinks. It was his own act that led him below the animals, and the crimes committed when he is in a state of intoxication must be punished as severely as if the person were in full possession of his reasoning. Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4, p. 125.


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war, hate, drunkenness, evil in the world, destruction