Enoch's First Vision

Código VBAA-E0024-I

VIEW:575 DATA:2020-03-20

This chapter serves as a short introduction to the prophecy chapters. Enoch describes a disturbing dream he had when he was young.


83.1    And now, my son Methuselah, I will show you all the visions that I saw, recounting them before you.

83.2    Two visions I saw, before I took a wife, and neither one was like the other. For the first time, when I learnt the art of writing, and for the second time, before I took your mother. I saw a terrible vision and concerning this I made supplication to the Lord.

83.3    I had lain down in the house of my grandfather, Malalel, when I saw in a vision how Heaven was thrown down, and removed, and it fell upon the Earth.

83.4    And when it fell upon the Earth, I saw how the earth was swallowed up in a great abyss, and mountains were suspended on mountains, and hills sank down upon hills, and tall trees were torn up by their roots, and were thrown down, and sank into the abyss.

83.5    And then speech fell into my mouth, and I raised my voice to cry out, and said: “The earth is destroyed!”

83.6    And my grandfather, Malalel, roused me, since I lay near him, and said to me: “Why did you cry out so, my son, and why do you moan so?”

83.7    And I recounted to him the whole vision, which I had seen, and he said to me: “A terrible thing you have seen, my son! Your dream vision concerns the secrets of all the sin of the Earth; it is about to sink into the abyss and be utterly destroyed.

83.8    And now, my son, rise and make supplication to the Lord of Glory, for you are faithful, that a remnant may be left on the Earth and that he may not wipe out the whole Earth.

83.9    My son, from Heaven all this will come upon the Earth, and upon the Earth there will be great destruction.”

83.10    And then I rose and prayed, and made supplication, and wrote my

prayer down for the generations of eternity, and I will show everything to you my son Methuselah.

83.11 And, when I went out below and saw the sky, and the Sun rising in the east, and the Moon setting in the west, and some stars, and the whole Earth, and everything as He knew it since the beginning. Then I blessed the Lord of Judgment and ascribed Majesty to him, for he makes the Sun come out from the windows of the east, so that it ascends and rises on the face of Heaven, and follows the path which has been shown to it.

84.1    And I raised my hands in righteousness and I blessed the Holy and Great One. And I spoke with the breath of my mouth, and with the tongue of flesh, which God has made for men born of flesh so that they might speak with it; and he has given them breath, and a tongue, and a mouth, so that they might speak with them.

84.2    “Blessed are you, Oh Lord King, and great and powerful in your majesty, Lord of the whole Creation of Heaven, King of Kings, and God of the whole world! And your kingly authority, and your Sovereignty and your Majesty will last forever, and forever and ever, and your power, for all generations. And all the Heavens are your throne, forever, and the whole Earth your footstool forever, and ever and ever.

84.3    For you made, and you rule, everything, and nothing is too hard for you, and no wisdom escapes you; it does not turn away from your throne nor from your presence. And you know, and see, and hear, everything, and nothing is hidden from you, for you see everything.

84.4    And now the Angels of your Heaven are doing wrong and your anger rests upon the flesh of men until the day of the great judgment.

84.5    And now, Oh God, Lord, and Great King, I entreat and ask that you will fulfill my prayer to leave me a posterity on Earth and not to wipe out all the flesh of men and make the earth empty so that there is destruction forever.

84.6 And now, my Lord, wipe out from the earth the flesh that has provoked your anger, but the flesh of righteousness and uprightness establish as a seed bearing plant forever. And do not hide your face from the prayer of your servant, Oh Lord.”



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