Enoch's Concluding Words

Código VBAA-E0028-I

VIEW:577 DATA:2020-03-20


The conclusion to the book covers similar ground to the previous section but in a shorter form. Future glory is predicted for the righteous and darkness for the sinners.


108.1    Another book which Enoch wrote for his son Methuselah and for those who should come after him and keep the law in the last days.

108.2    You who have observed, and are waiting in these days, until an end shall be made of those who do evil, and an end shall be made of the power of the wrongdoers.

108.3    Do indeed wait until sin shall pass away, for their names shall be erased from the Books of the Holy Ones, and their offspring will be destroyed forever. And their spirits will be killed, and they will cry out and moan in a chaotic desert place, and will burn in fire, for there is no Earth there.

108.4    And there I saw something like a cloud, which could not be discerned, for because of its depth I was not able to look into it. And the flames of a fire I saw, burning brightly, and things like bright mountains revolved and shook from side to side.

108.5    And I asked one of the Holy Angels, who were with me, and I said to him: “What is this bright place? For there is no sky, but only the flames of a burning fire, and the sounds of crying, and weeping, and moaning, and severe pain.”

108.6    And he said to me: “This place which you see; here will be thrown the spirits of the sinners, and of the blasphemers, and of those who do evil. And of those who alter everything that the Lord has spoken through the mouths of the prophets about the things that shall be done.

108.7    For there are books, and records, about them in Heaven above so that the Angels may read them and know what is about to come upon the sinners. And upon the spirits of the humble, and of those who afflicted their bodies and were recompensed by God, and of those who were abused by evil men.

108.8    Those who loved God and did not love gold, or silver, or any possessions, but gave up their bodies to torment.

108.9    Those who, from the moment they existed, did not desire earthly food, but counted themselves as a breath which passes away, and kept to this. And the Lord tested them much, and their spirits were found pure, so that they might bless His Name.”

108.10    And all their blessings I have recounted in the books, and he has assigned them their reward, for they were found to be such that they loved Heaven more than their life in the world. And although they were trampled underfoot by evil men, and had to listen to reviling and reproach from them, and were abused, yet they blessed their Lord.

108.11    And the Lord said: “And now I will call the spirits of the good, who are of the Generation of Light, and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who in the flesh were not recompensed with honour as was fitting to their faith.

108.12    And I will bring out into the shining light those who love my Holy Name and I will set each one on the throne of his honour.”

108.13    And they will shine for times without number, for righteous is the Judgment of God, for with the faithful He will keep faith in the dwelling of upright paths.

108.14    And they will see those who were born in darkness thrown into the darkness while the righteous shine.

108.15    And the sinners will cry out as they see them shining but they themselves will go where days and times have been written down for them.


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