What is space?

Código EFMU-E0001-I

VIEW:596 DATA:2020-03-20

    Let's say that space is made up of parallel lines. When we want to create a particle, we vibrate the line at a specific frequency and such particle appears. All material is composed of universe space vibrations. But, among the parallel lines there are other transversal lines. These transverse lines are the link mesh that does not grasp. A particle when in a particular phase of its vibration can instantaneously move from a parallel line to a parallel line through the transverse line.
    If I develop two particles with the same frequency, then such particles are linked by the same crossbar. The more complex the vibration of forming a particle, more difficult or impossible to get the particle will be in phase with the cross line.
    When a particle vibrates it changes the online space like pulling a rubber band. But to pull this springy such space string does not return to its natural state, so all the summations of all tugs to make the spatial vibration, increase the space.
    When a large amount of particles are close we have a very strong pull of the mesh space, but therefore we have a growing space of the same strength as the tug made by the vibration of the sum of all particles.
    Thus, the space expands with the same speed as the vibration of the particle formation. The sum of the expansion occurs in places where there are not enough particles to move through the online space.
    Imagine that there is a large block of joined particles that make a great tug on the lines of space. Such lines would be growing, but the pull would cause the next particles traveled the line toward the tug. But let's say these two great blocks particles were so far away they could no longer feel the space line pull. Then the universe between them would add the lines of the space were pulled in poke sum of the two particles blocks.
    But such a line of growth is not a force, it would be an expansion of the universe. There would be a repelling force, but an expansion growth.

Author: Rubens Nunes Caputo



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