Vitamin B12 and Vegetarianism

Código BFNV-E0005-I

VIEW:595 DATA:2020-03-20



Synthesis of B12 cofactor cobinamide and 14C-DMB during growth on ethanolamine. S. enterica CobTUSC and EutT enzymes catalyze the synthesis of adenosylcobalamin (25, 26). Growth ethanolamine proceeds through EutBC ethanolamine ammonia lyase, requires adenosylcobalamina to catalyze the formation of acetaldehyde from ethanolamine.


    Vitamins are natural substances found in plants and animals. Your body uses these substances to stay healthy and help its many functions. There are two types of vitamins: Water Soluble and Fat Soluble.
    Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins are different in their absorption by the body. Water-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed by the body because they are hydrolyzed, that is dissolved by water and easily absorbed by the blood.
    Since fat-soluble vitamins receive bile acids, i.e. for the green liquid released in the duodenum gallbladder to emulsify fats region of vitamins to be absorbed by the body.
    The human body does not store large amounts of water-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins that the human body needs are not eliminated by the kidneys in urine.
    Unlike water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble are not expelled in the urine, but particularly they accumulate and store in liver, and other tissues of the body and can occur being stored on both the liver and of the kidney forming a fatty layer on these organs.
    Due to the storage of vitamins, a vitamin B12 deficiency may only manifest after 5 or 6 years of inadequate diet.
    The amount of vitamin B12 that the body needs is really very small, probably only 2 mcg per day. Unfortunately, the vitamin B12 is not absorbed very well.

What foods rich in vitamin B12 can do for you?

    1. To assist in the production of red blood cells and prevent anemia;
    2. Allow the nerve cells develop properly;
    3. helping cells metabolize protein, carbohydrate and fat.

Events that may indicate the need for more foods rich in vitamin B12?

  • Red tongue or sore

  • Tingling or numbness in the feet

  • Jitters

  • Palpitations

  • Depression

  • Memory Problems

    Vitamin B12 is one of the most controversial vitamin B family of vitamins collectively known as the "B-complex". Although the complete chemical structure of B12 was not identified until 1960, two scientists had been awarded the Nobel Prize for research involving this vitamin.
    The first of these prize was awarded in 1934, involved the discovery that a food (liver, a very rich source of B12) could be used to treat a particular type of anemia (inability of blood flow to carry oxygen) called pernicious anemia . The second award came thirty years later when chemists understand the exact structure of this important vitamin.
    Vitamin B12 is unusual with regard to their origins. While most vitamins may be made by a wide variety of plants and specific animals, no plant or animal proved capable of producing B12, and exclusive source of this vitamin seems tiny microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, fungi and algae.
    Since most of the vitamins B12 can pass by a variety of forms and can have a variety of names. The names for B12 include: cobalamin nitratocobalamina and cyanocobalamin. Each of these designations contains the word "cobalt" because the mineral cobalt is found in the center of the vitamin.

    Another unusual aspect of B12 and that she and dependent on a second substance called intrinsic factor, to make your way Tract Gastro-intestinal to the body. Without intrinsic factor, which is a single protein made in the stomach, vitamin B12 can not have access to the rest of the body where it is needed.


What are the functions of vitamin B12 and how it works?

    - Formation of Red Blood Cells:
    Perhaps the best known function of B12 is its role in the development of red blood cells, as the cells mature, they require information provided by the DNA molecules, without the B12 DNA synthesis becomes defective and information needed for the formation of red blood cells is compromised and distorted, so the body itself detects the bad formation of these cells and destroy them, so it's important vitamin B12 so that the red cells are perfectly produced for use in blood oxygen transport by bloodstream among other functions.

    - Development of nerve cells:
    A second function of B12 also important, but less clearly understood than the first is its participation in the development of nerve cells. A layer covering the nerves, is formed with less success when there are vitamin B12 deficiency. Although this vitamin indirectly participate in the process, the B12 supplement was effective in relieving pain and other symptoms in a number of diseases of the nervous system.

    - Other roles of vitamin B12:
    The protein depends on B12 to properly circulate through the body. Many of the vital components of the protein becomes unavailable for use in the absence of B12, so the consumption of vitamin B12 is important for humans the ratio of the RDA of each age group.





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