Comparison of deaths by inhabitants due to covid-19 (coronavirus) in some countries

Código BEPC-E0010-I

VIEW:585 DATA:2020-04-01
Public policies for the care of the individual can be assessed by the number of deaths by inhabitants of a region or country. So that one country could indicate the same care as another, then the number of deaths per inhabitant would be very close.
If we look at China, we have 3310 dead, the country with the beginning of the outbreak. See the graph as the curve rises and find a plateau in the contagion graph. The population of China according to 2017 2018, is approximately 1 billion 386 million inhabitants. Thus the number of deaths per million inhabitants due to covid-19 is 2.39. In other words, for every million inhabitants we have an average of two or three people killed by the virus.
If we look at Germany we have 788 deaths and an accelerated contagion chart. Its population of 83 million inhabitants, thus having 9.49 inhabitants killed per million inhabitants, almost 4 times the rate of China.
In the United States we have 4081 dead, its population is 326 million, killed by millions of inhabitants, it is 12.5 that is 5.24 times more deaths compared to China.
In France, we have 3532 deaths population of 67 million, deaths per million inhabitants are 52.7 which is 22 times more than China.
In Spain we have 8464 deaths, population of 47 million, deaths per million inhabitants 180, which is 75.4 times greater than that of China.
We have Italy with 12428 deaths, population of 60 million, killed per million inhabitants 207, which is 86.7 times greater than China.
What can we observe with this? That China was overwhelmingly more active in reducing deaths than other countries. The question involves whether other countries would like China to operate or not.
So if a country accepts the highest number of deaths because it does not wish to follow China's systems, because of its political consequences. You should also not be concerned with how each country manages the number of deaths.
If the political decision versus the number of deaths is not limited to the best regarding deaths, then the policy of each country does its own.
In my view, when the country is more concerned with the political system than with the risk of death for its population, the more destroyed that country will become.
To this end, we must observe what will happen with the country with the lowest death per million inhabitants, and those with the highest death per million inhabitants.
And see what the situation is between these countries in the future.


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covid-19, coronavirus, countries, death per inhabitant, world comparison, mortality analysis