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From this chapter, the book and our study, we will see which Aramaic language words have been translated into " visions ". Because from chapter eight, the words are from the Hebrew language. The words of the mentioned languages ​​will be highlighted and analyzed, but mainly, in relation to the use that the prophet Daniel made of them in each sentence starting from chapter eight. As well as, we will also see the main Landmarks spread in these chapters.

In the first year of Belshazzar , king of Babylon ...". (Dan. 7: 1 "ARA).

"The chapter begins by providing a date for the vision, as verse 1 says: ⠀‚ "In the first year of Belshazzar." God must certainly have considered it important to date the events of this chapter. ‚" Delivered royalty "to Belshazzar in 553 BC. Therefore, 553 BC should be considered as the first year of Belshazzar, and the year of the present vision." "( MAXWELL , C. Mercyn. A NEW ERA ACCORDING TO DANIEL'S PROPHECIES. 1st ed. Tatuí" SP, CPB, 1996. p. 107.).


In Dan. 7: 1 : Daniel had dreams and visions . (w and chez and wê).

In Dan. 7: 2 : In visions (be chezewí®).

In Dan 7: 7: In visions (be chezewê).

In Dan. 7:13 : In my visions (be chezewê).

In Dan. 7:15 : And the visions (we chezewê).

A Dictionary thus defines :
... " ( chĕzí » )" vision, apparition. Used in a similar way to Hebrew "( chizzāyôn ). "( HARRIS , R. Laird, ARCHER , Gleason L. Jr., WALTKE and Bruce K. OLD TESTAMENT International Theology Dictionary. 1st ed. Religious Society Editions Vida Nova. São Paulo" SP, 1998. p. 1690. ).

Elsewhere it says :

chizzāyôn ) "... Vision . This is one of the many nouns derived from" ( chāzâ ). "is very close to" ( machăzeh ) "(which appears only three times, Gen 15.1; Num 24.4; Ez 13.7. always with reference to revealed views that are legitimate or at least so alleged). Of the nine occurrences of" ( chizzāyôn ) "in AT, five refer to the prophetic function. As in the case of "( chāzâ )" (see, have a vision), you can designate an oracle message from god, eg, the prophetic "words" from Nata to David (2 Sm 7.17) are called "( chizzāyôn )" (specifically haddebārí®m hā "hachizzāyôn hazzeh ). "Jô's friends used the words four times, apparently with the same meaning (Jô 4.13; 7.14; 20.8; 33.15)". ( Ibidem . P. 447.).
The text of Daniel chapter seven, which introduces the four animals, says the following:
"Daniel spoke and said: I was watching , during my vision of the night, and, behold, the four winds of heaven stirred the Great Sea . Four animals , great, different from each other, rose the sea . the first was like a lion and had eagle's wings : I beheld till its wings were plucked, was lifted up and placed on two feet like a man, and it was him given man's mind. I kept lookingand here is the second animal, similar to a bear , which stood on one side; in his mouth, between his teeth, he had three ribs ; and they said to him, Get up, eat a lot of meat. After that, I kept looking , and here is another one, similar to a leopard, and it had four bird wings on its back ; this animal also had four heads , and it was given dominion. After that, I kept looking in the visions of the night , and here is the fourth animal, terrible, astonishing and extremely strong, which had great iron teeth ; he devoured, and broke into pieces, and trampled what was left with his feet;it was different from all the animals that appeared before him and had ten horns. While I was watching the horns , behold , a small one went up among them , before which three of the first horns were pulled out; and, behold, in this horn there were eyes, like those of a man, and a mouth that spoke with insolence ". (Dan. 7: 2-8 - ARA).
From these verses mentioned above, referring to the four animals , we will analyze only the animals described in verses six and seven.
After that, I kept looking , and here's another one, similar to a leopard, and it had four bird wings on its back ; also had this four-headed animal, and he was given dominion. After that, I kept looking in the visions of the night , and here is the fourth animal, terrible, astonishing and extremely strong, which had great iron teeth ; he devoured, and broke into pieces, and trampled what was left with his feet; it was different from all the animals that appeared before him and had ten horns "(Dan. 7: 6-7 - ARA).

Verse six tells us of the conquests, dominion and division of the Empire of Alexander of Macedonia "the Greek Empire. Verse seven shows us the conquests and the beginning of the world domination of Rome, in the phase of the Republic and later in the phase of the Empire Therefore, the emphasis of verse seven, is mainly, for the phase of the Republic, begins, from the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage (which was literally in the south of Rome ).
It was during the Second Punic War (218-201 a. C.) that Rome, through the Roman Senate, became tutor to King Ptolemy V of Egypt.

However, at the death of Filipator in 205 , he ascended the throne of Egypt Tolomeu V Epifanes, five years old ,remaining under guardians until the age of majority to govern . Antiochus, who at the time was victorious and powerful in an expedition to the East, extended to India, sees, in the critical situation in which Egypt lay with the advent of the pupil king and the poor performance of his tutors, a good opportunity for a new war and revenge for the tremendous defeat he had suffered in Raffia . For this he allied himself with Felipe V of Macedonia who was at war with Rome in Greece . . The two kings sat plans to divide the states of Tolomeus among them and get rid of the that called Antiochus "AA," the dull neighborhood of Tolomeus " Felipe should have the Caria, Libya, Cyrenaica and Egypt, and Antiochus all the other Member . "

Upon learning of the tutors of Tolomeu V of the intentions of Antiochus and Philip , incontinently â⠂" they appealed to Rome and entrusted the protection of the infant king to the Senate The Senate, which until then had shown affection to the Tolomeus, became this moment your referee . "" - ( MELLO , Araceli S. HISTORICAL TESTIMONIES OF DANIEL'S PROPHECIES. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro "RJ, Gráfica Editora Laemmert SA 1968. p. 370.).

Two reasons why " the fourth animal " is called " terrible, and amazing and especially strong ". (Dan. 7: 7 - ARA), an animal without distinction of its kind. First, all kings went out to war leading their armies ;but the Romans did not have a king who led and led the people to war.

The second reason: the form of government of the Romans was the Republic . In the First Book of Maccabees, so it is written on the Romans:
After all, none of them girded the diadem, or coated purple to magnify with her , but have created for themselves a council, where every day deliberating three hundred and twenty men, constantly consulting about the crowd and how to manage it in an orderly manner. For one year, they entrust the power over themselves and the government of all their domains to one man , to which only everyone obeys, without envy or rivalry between them " (1 Maccabees 8: 14-16).
These verses are fundamental to Daniel's understanding. 7: 7. For, they explain to us why the prophet Daniel describes " the fourth animal " as: " terrible, and amazing and especially strong ". The prophet Daniel in the vision he was given, with regard to this verse, he was visualizing this period of Roman rule "during the Republic . Therefore, the" animal "was described as being" terrible, and amazing ", it was just , because, only , the Romans (of the peoples listed in the prophecies of Daniel seven), did not have a king in the sequence of the prophetic accounts.
Taking into account the date on which the prophet had the vision. (Dan. 7: 1). The Romans, as reported above, were " governed ", " administered " by " three hundred and twenty men ". And these, "For one year they entrust the power over themselves and the government of all their domains to one man ".

Then we will return to the subject of the " fourth animal " (Pagan Rome), starting from the chapter: Daniel Chapter Eight (Second Part).

In Dan. 7:24 to 26, we have :
The ten horns correspond to ten kings that will rise from that same kingdom ; and after them, another will rise , which will be different from the first , and will slaughter three kings . He will speak words against the Most High , hurt you the saints of the most High , and think to change times and laws : and they shall be given into his hand , for a time, times and half a time . But then sit the court for you take the domain , to destroy it and consume it until the end ". (ARA).
For those who study the prophecies, it is very important to realize, all the details transmitted in this vision, because it was gradually, transmitted and extended to the prophet Daniel, in the following chapters, in the respective visions.


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Daniel, Revelation, Prophecy, Daniel 7