Código VBPV-E0008-I
On the website determined in 7, only texts that we will be exhibiting were found. First of all we must base that we are analyzing the text 1 , see that in 6 the author says that " Ellen White had a vision that would be alive in the Coming of Christ and was one of the 144 thousand " 6 , the text 1 does not say that, says that such a prophet had a vision, in which the day and hour were heard, and therefore the coming of Christ, that is all. Sites with this level of ideology seek to demonize someone by playing what they presume, in their ironic eagerness to demolish positions and train individuals with the same irritated and accusatory characteristics without due logical analysis.
It is clear that the prophet did not say that he would be alive, but that he was in vision, and does not even quote the term 144 thousand since the 144 thousand are a subclass of a larger one that will be alive. And more when seeing the writings of Paul quoted in 4 , we see that irrational interpretations would only lead to mediocre and meaningless condemnations.
In 7 again the author tries to accuse insinuating positions that do not exist, as saying " falling into contradiction " 10 , contradiction represents the action of saying something and going against this same thing, text 1 , does not mention something in which it is otherwise what you said. Since the term in 1 , it is a vision in which it does not say that it will be there, it says that it saw. The idea that she will be there is not determined in the vision, the term says that she was in the vision and saw what was happening. The author of the site for not understanding the scriptures pertinent to the functioning of the visions in the various biblical writings as we mentioned in 4, accuses by his own ignorance, it is clear that the author's ignorance of the site plus the accusatory impetus develops his own wrong ideas, not knowing how to read the text, in which he does not quote, that Ellen has seen her in the vision, because in this case, that is, when a prophet sees himself in a scene of the future, then his presence can be determined, given the basic rules about vision. It is clear that I do not determine that the prophet will not be, I say that it is not mandatory verbatim that she is in the fact that it will occur, if she has not seen her in the vision.
We see that the vision contained in 1 , is located in the first visions of the prophet, with his seventeen years 9 , in a later vision contained in 8 , we see what the angel mentions. " You must return and, if you are faithful, together with the 144,000 you will have the privilege of visiting all the worlds and seeing the work of the hands of God. " 8 , see the term " if you are faithful " plus " together with the 144,000 ", thus giving the fact that to be saved you must be faithful, and more to travel to the worlds you must be in the 144,000, so the positions of the author of the site are totally wrong, and unfairly accusative.
The term in 11 , we will not comment because the source was not included.
In 12 , the site again tries to accuse, if it understood the way of work contained in the texts in 5 , in which God has the possibility to remove the memory of the man's mind from what he desires for his plans, he would better understand the scriptures. Soon God will not reveal what he does not wish to reveal, to which we must accept only what has already been given to us. But the site keeps trying to unjustly denigrate the author of the text in 1 .
In 13 , the error in the computation of the prophetic period was that the fact was not the coming of Christ, which has already been extensively explained to the author of the site, who does not want to understand. Soon God did not leave for Miller the way of calculating the return of Christ, but the passage of Christ from the Holy to the Most Holy, according to the book of Hebrews.
In 14 , starting from his own ignorance about the functionality of the vision, the website persists in quoting " Ellen White is betrayed, saying that he no longer remembered " 14 , now White is not betrayed since the content of the vision was not about the date of the coming from Christ. This happens to the author of the site because he does not understand that the vision is linked not to a simple date, not understanding the beauty of the vision of a paradise, he only extracts the factor that erroneously assumes to be accusatory, when the " picture ", painted in the text refers to want to go to paradise, and thus seeking that each individual change their way of life, because this world is black and dark, that is the idea of the text, and in that White is not betrayed, only the date is extracted for not harm the "", but the site seeks only the accusation thus ignoring the beauty and linearity of the vision.
The website cites two questions out of 15 , which are:
" Could Ellen White remember a date that would not be announced until at least 120 years later? " 15 .
The answer is that if God wanted her to remember she would remember, but if God did not want her to remember, just as he did with Nebuchadnezzar in the text contained in 5 , she could not remember until God informed her, or sent another with the date.
The second question is:
" Ellen White is included among the living saints, numbering 144,000, and she died 95 years ago! " 15
As previously exposed, White does not include himself among the living saints, nor among the 144,000, he only obtained the vision of the scene, as written in 1 , any addition is imposed by the idea of the author of the site, see that the text was demonstrated in " if you are faithful " 8 , giving the condition that being in the vision, does not guarantee being in the fact, vision and fact are different, something that the author of the site due to a mediocre position cannot reach.
For example we will analyze the details of Daniel's vision in text 16 , when reading we find interesting concepts, first is that the prophet says " visions " 16 declaring that it is a vision, we find a scene composed of " ancient of days sat " 16 , we see " thousands of thousands served him, and myriads of myriads watched before him " 16 , in the verse in question the impression is that the fact is real, it is happening, but when reading the other verses we have: " the fourth animal, terrible and astonishing, and very strong, which had great iron teeth, he devoured and broke into pieces , " 16 ,"because of the voice of the great words that the horn uttered " 16 , we see in the text an enormous monster in which one of its horns speaks, so we must idealize that this animal is a symbolic representation, or a real creature? A vision is based on a mixed very complex between scenes that can be real with others that are symbols, seeing the vision in a complete scene we can extract the idea but we cannot idealize a realistic fact without falling into error, or imagine a totally strange universe. in the field of visions, by mixing scenes and scenes, it is difficult to determine fact, symbol.
The author of the site still mentions the term 17 , now it was shown that a vision is a mixture of facts and symbols, or just symbols, so in the author's ignorance, he tries to separate a prophecy from a parable, but notice the big mistake, we don't we are talking about prophecy, we are talking about vision. A prophecy would be what we read in text 18 , so prophecy is an explanation defining a fact, a vision may not be a fact just a symbol of something.
Subsequently, the author of the site quotes the text in 19 , in which we observe a detail, "they loved it at our feet " 19 , with this the author of the site is in his misunderstanding of what is happening because he believes that White was with the 144,000, but see in the previous text that says " Holy Spirit came upon me, and it seemed to me to be rising higher and higher " 20 , immediately joining the " worshiped at our feet " 19 , we see that White was in the air watching the scenes below. But the author of the site decides to ignore the clearest analysis of the text by defining its positions above what is written.
This is because the author idealizes a false idea, and so instead of considering it to be wrong, he determines that the other is, without giving due analysis to the text to understand the scene of the vision, and does not observe that White was in the air watching the scene.
Many times the prophets use the term us just because they include themselves as a people but not because they are doing something, an example and the text in 21 , Daniel prays including himself in the people, but not necessarily practicing personally " We did not listen to the your servants, the prophets " 21 ," departing us from your precepts and your ordinances " 21 . Therefore, a first person description of the plural does not define being physical, but in the sense of people or family.
For a better example of the term " we " 19 , contained in the text may be that either White saw himself on the scene when he was in the air, or applied the rule of people demarcated by the text in 21 , see that when we look at the text of 144,000 in 19 , we found " The 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly joined. " 19 . here he demarcates the term in the third person plural, that is (he), in a vision, the existence of the prophet in the scene, and the scene disfigures the action of a fact, for the action of a symbol, linked to facts and symbols.
In the previous text seen in 22 , we find "We soon heard the voice of God, similar to many waters, which announced the day and hour of Jesus' coming. The living saints, numbering 144,000, recognized and understood the voice, while the wicked judged it to be a thunder or earthquake. " 22 , which determines two stages, one in which the term" we hear " 22 , pronoun (us), and the second term" The living saints, numbering 144,000, recognized and understood "pronoun (they). It soon becomes clear that the pronouns (we) and (they) vary from the situation of being or not, and from the great difficulty in a vision to describe the physical fact of symbols.
Such a website demonstrates to its author its complete lack of understanding about what a vision is, and thus begins to suffer attacks by readers due to their ignorance on the subject, which we see in 23 , and 24 . In 23 we see that the author confuses prophecy with vision. But as early as 24, he uses two terms that are not visions and quote as if they were. The terms are " ancient serpent " 24 , and " Lion of the Tribe of Judah " 24, in a vision the terms would be for example (then I saw a serpent ... that was Satan), and (in my visions I observed and, behold, a Lion came from the tribe of Juda), terms that are not found in visions. Logically, the author of the site is lost amidst the basic rules of biblical interpretation. Note that after many conversations the author already demonstrates his inability to understand "the case of Ellen White, placing herself among the 144 thousand, the false and the true are confused " 24 , of course he is confused, and it is not because someone is limited in understanding that the other is wrong. In order to demote an idea, you have to seek all sources of knowledge on the subject beforehand, which the website author does not do, due to his very simple notes.
6. Ellen White had a vision that would be alive at the Coming of Christ and was one of 144,000!
8. I asked my assistant angel to let me stay there. I couldn't bear the thought of going back to this dark world. The angel then said: "You must return and, if you are faithful, together with the 144,000 you will have the privilege of visiting all the worlds and seeing the work of the hands of God." PE 40
9. Upon returning from this vision, I felt excessively uneasy. My health was too poor, and I was only seventeen. PE 20
10. When he returned to the real world, things were not yet very real, as he was forgetting even future things !!! (falling in contradiction)
Ellen White died 95 years ago!
11. The corporation's excuse is always the same: "it's a conditional prophecy like Jonah's."
12. A lapse of memory by Ellen White, prevented us from knowing the day and hour of Christ's return!
Ellen White lost in time! --- Forgot the date that would be announced in the future.
13. Let us admit the hypothesis (according to Ellen White) that God had not covered up the error in the computation of the prophetic periods, which led Guilherme MIller to the 1844 fiasco.
Question: Did Guilherme Miller have reached the right date for the coming of Christ?
14. All the references contained in "Letter 38" in the link above, Ellen White refers to the Return of Christ. Event in which she would be alive, and would be part of the 144,000,
When referring to the previous announcement of the day and hour of Christ's return, which only the 144,000 would understand, (a fact that would occur at least 120 years in the future) Ellen White he cheats, saying he didn't remember anymore!
15. The following questions arise:
1) Could Ellen White remember a date that would only be announced at least 120 years later?
2) Ellen White is among the living saints, numbering 144,000, and she died 95 years ago!
16. Dan 7: 7 After that, I kept looking, in night visions, and here is the fourth animal, terrible and astonishing, and very strong, which had great iron teeth; he devoured and broke into pieces, and trampled what was left with his feet; it was different from all the animals that appeared before him, and it had ten horns.
Dan 7: 8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up another horn, small, before which three of the first horns were pulled out; and, behold, in this horn there were eyes, like a man's, and a mouth that spoke great things.
Dan 7: 9 I kept looking, until thrones were set, and an old man sat down; her dress was white as snow, and the hair on her head as pure wool; his throne was of flames of fire, and his wheels were blazing fire.
Dan 7:10 A river of fire flowed and went out before him; thousands of thousands served him, and myriads of myriads stood before him. He sat down for judgment, and the books were opened.
Dan 7:11 Then I was looking, because of the voice of the great words that the horn spoke; I watched until the animal was killed, and its body destroyed; for he was delivered to be burned by fire.
17. The scenario being false, who guarantees that the prophecy is true? Today it is proven that Ellen White's prophecy failed, because she already died, but in her time many people believed in the entire prophecy.
Wouldn't you be confusing prophecy with parable, where nothing needs to be true?
18. Mar 14:62 Jesus answered, I am; and you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.
19. The 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly joined. On their forehead it was written: "God, New Jerusalem", and they had a glorious star that contained the new name of Jesus. Because of our happy and holy state, the wicked became angry and violently resigned to take us in order to throw us into prison when we reached out in the name of the Lord and they fell helpless to the ground. It was then that the synagogue of Satan knew that God had loved us, that we washed each other's feet and greeted the brothers with a holy kiss; and loved it at our feet.
Soon our eyes were directed to the east, for a little cloud appeared about the size of half the hand of a man, which we all knew to be the sign of the Son of man. All of us in solemn silence watched the approaching cloud and it became clearer and brighter and brighter, until it became a great white cloud. The bottom had the appearance of fire; the rainbow was over the cloud, while around it were ten thousand angels, "(Early Writings p.15).
20. While I was praying at the family altar, the Holy Spirit came upon me, and it seemed to me that I was rising higher and higher from the dark Earth. PE 15
21. Dan 9: 5 we sinned and committed iniquities, we acted wickedly, and we were rebellious, departing from your precepts and your ordinances.
Dan 9: 6 We did not listen to your servants, the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, as well as to all the people of the earth.
22. We immediately heard the voice of God, like many waters, which announced the day and hour of Jesus' coming. The living saints, numbering 144,000, recognized and understood the voice, while the wicked judged it to be thunder or an earthquake. PE 15
23. March 15
Perhaps the mistake of the brother is to think that the prophet in vision, when placing himself in the prophecy scene, needs to be real,
It may have been to emphasize what the prophet meant, (I V)
Answer : The scenario being false, who guarantees that the prophecy is true? Today it is proven that Ellen White's prophecy failed, because she already died, but in her time many people believed in the entire prophecy.
Wouldn't you be confusing prophecy with parable, where nothing needs to be true?
24. March 16
Ennis, his response to the internalta, and the following: "The scenario being false, who guarantees that the prophecy is true?". I ask other questions: "Did John see the New Jerusálem? When did John say that a sword was coming out of Jesus' mouth, was it real, or was it a scenario?
Answer: John saw the New Jerusalem because God showed him. (Either in vision or dream) )
When John said that a sword came out of Jesus' mouth, it is a figure of speech.
The figure of speech is an illustration in which absurdities are admitted, as long as it is to clarify, and never to confuse. (in fact, the illustration must be far from reality to avoid confusion)
The devil in the Bible is known as the "ancient snake" and that does not mean that he is a snake in fact, nor that the expression is false. (Analogy to sin in Eden)
"Lion of the Tribe of Judah" a rhetorical expression.
In the case of Ellen White, placing herself among the 144,000, the false and the true are confused. (they are very close)
In the text above there is a strong suggestion that she was part of the 144 thousand, and that she learned the day and time of Christ's return.
Figures of speech, metaphors, analogies, synonyms, parallels, etc. they are tools that are used to convey ideas.
25. Archived data ennis_emailes001.zipx
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