Código VBDC-E0403-P
Some people seek to determine the fault of something that falls short of the fault. For example, someone who drinks poison may determine that it is the fault of the God who created the poison, which is wrong. For giving the opportunity to choose is not guilt but freedom. To that end, we have collected a comment from an atheist and we are responding to that comment. The blue parts are from the atheist site and the standard color part is from the site.
Q: To list all the great discoveries in the field of science and medicine during the last century "like aspirin, insulin, penicillin and streptomycin" it would take the full attention of a medical historian and a real encyclopedia to record it all .
However, there are still many diseases that afflict man about which he has no knowledge. They devour and devastate his body and mind with excruciating pain and torture, and he is completely helpless against them. Not only does it ignore its origin, but it also does not know what its nature is or how to protect itself from its attacks. He must sit like a convicted criminal and, in agonizing torture, wait for his blessed death.
Answer: Diseases are not merely by-products of human action. For example, we have aspirin, insulin, penicillin and streptomycin, all of which, when used in the wrong way, facilitate the fortification of diseases, now this fortification is the fault of the man who does not act correctly with the system. Another thing is the disorganization of man for the pursuit of ignorance, for example the fault of the lack of doctors and hospitals is not the fault of God, but of greed, and the greed of political leaders and great commercial leaders. Since the scriptures are contrary to greed, and greed. Soon the scriptures determine a path for the improvement of all illnesses if men followed the moral concepts of the scriptures. Therefore, man is not condemned by diseases, but the selfishness and greed of men develop diseases and sufferings for other men. A man who is pushed from a building by another man must not condemn the law of gravity for death, but must condemn the other man who pushed him. To say that disease is the culprit of suffering is not to look at the obvious, men's greed creates suffering for other men, and men are condemned for themselves and not for diseases.
Q: If man and all other forms of life on this planet are just a by-product of a "grand plan" of "supreme intelligence", then I denounce such a scheme as tyrannical and savage.
Why should we be made to suffer excruciating pain and punishment in life without any benefit and, finally, to have all our efforts denied by death, making the goal of our lives, our hopes, our desires, our ambitions and our aspirations nothing more than a sinister joke?
Answer: Now the punishments are of man himself and not of God, even if we remove God from the scene, the norms of evolution would be being violated, because in this evolutionary law man as the final by-product of an organization of billions of years of an organized biological system , it could never destroy nature and its habitat, on the contrary it would be more organized and able to live and organize its ecosystem, as beings with less mental capacity do. But that does not happen, man devastates, destroys and kills his own habitat. Now this destructive human capacity is against Charles Darwin's sequential evolutionary system, as it makes man regress to the evolutionary state of a virus, which destroys its host and dies. In other words, we are punished for not accepting the biblical rules of ending selfishness, greed, and corruption. If man obeyed the principles of helping others globally, and using his abilities to help and improve where they live, nothing of suffering would occur, but over the years, greed, selfishness, and the search for ignorance in concepts morals of the Bible, diseases evolve and devastate the environment in which they live. Most people want things that are bad for their health, and they want to acquire things without analyzing the destructive concept of nature. Most ambitions are about irrational things that only elude meaning, but are not really good for the whole community in which they live, unlike ambition often involves other men being their servants, and their wills being superior to those of others. others. and the use of their abilities to help and improve where they live, nothing of suffering would occur, but over the years greed, selfishness, and the search for ignorance in the moral concepts of the Bible, diseases evolve and devastate the environment where they live. Most people want things that are bad for their health, and they want to acquire things without analyzing the destructive concept of nature. Most ambitions are about irrational things that only elude meaning, but are not really good for the whole community in which they live, unlike ambition often involves other men being their servants, and their wills being superior to those of others. others. and the use of their abilities to help and improve where they live, nothing of suffering would occur, but over the years greed, selfishness, and the search for ignorance in the moral concepts of the Bible, diseases evolve and devastate the environment where they live. Most people want things that are bad for their health, and they want to acquire things without analyzing the destructive concept of nature. Most ambitions are about irrational things that only elude meaning, but are not really good for the whole community in which they live, unlike ambition often involves other men being their servants, and their wills being superior to those of others. others. diseases evolve and devastate the environment in which they live. Most people want things that are bad for their health, and they want to acquire things without analyzing the destructive concept of nature. Most ambitions are about irrational things that only elude meaning, but that are not really good for the whole community in which they live, unlike ambition often involves other men being their servants, and their wills being superior to those of others. others. diseases evolve and devastate the environment in which they live. Most people want things that are bad for their health, and they want to acquire things without analyzing the destructive concept of nature. Most ambitions are about irrational things that only elude meaning, but that are not really good for the whole community in which they live, unlike ambition often involves other men being their servants, and their wills being superior to those of others. others.
Q: Oh pray, your name is a failure! O God, your art is a myth of cruelty!
There will not be a single mention of these great humanitarian achievements in these so-called "Books of Books"; not a single reference to the nature and cure of the disease; not a word about those inventions that lifted a great burden from the man's back. There is a good reason for this.
Answer: Here man ignores biblical knowledge. Many of the virus care rules are still in use today, and are called quarantines, as in Leviticus chapters, various rules for purification and cleansing are applied. In the Middle Ages, doctors did not pay attention to these rules, and mortality was high, but some groups decided to use this rule just out of curiosity and saw that it had an effect, for this purpose the rules of purification and quarantine of viral and bacteriological patients were disseminated. Furthermore, if man did not seek greed and selfishness, people would not be in unhealthy life situations that generate the proliferation of diseases, and the evolution of such. In other words, cruelty is not of God but of man. If even if we removed God from the scene, man was given an ecologically organized planet, biologically adapted and with restricted diseases. For example, European man with his greed has conquered the evolution of highly evolved diseases, through the years of filth and garbage in European cities. The Native Americans when faced with these evolved diseases were decimated, now it is not the fault of God but of the men who created a situation of proliferation and evolution of such diseases. A clear example would be, if all human beings lived monogamous and faithful relationships, the disease called AIDS would already be extinct. Therefore, AIDS is still to blame for man, and so many others. Such as obesity. The Native Americans when faced with these evolved diseases were decimated, now it is not the fault of God but of the men who created a situation of proliferation and evolution of such diseases. A clear example would be, if all human beings lived monogamous and faithful relationships, the disease called AIDS would already be extinct. Therefore, AIDS is still to blame for man, and so many others. Such as obesity. The Native Americans when faced with these evolved diseases were decimated, now it is not the fault of God but of the men who created a situation of proliferation and evolution of such diseases. A clear example would be, if all human beings lived monogamous and faithful relationships, the disease called AIDS would already be extinct. Therefore, AIDS is still to blame for man, and so many others. Such as obesity.
Q: Bible writers were not only unaware of such things, but they also had a perverted view of life and the Universe. His concept was that man was a victim of blood pollution and that his only possible salvation was through blood atonement.
Answer: This is another lie cited, a little reading about the New Testament and it can be analyzed that the scriptures determine a search for the moralizing system, in an environment where death, greed, violence and love of pleasures were sought. In the Pentateuch we found many health rules, and these helped the man, but if the man stopped his arrogance, his selfishness, his greed, and dedicated to his fellow man, all the evil would be solved, and the man himself by the intellectual capacity given to he would be enough to end the suffering imposed by his own greed. Let us for example imagine that there is no bible and only one verse that is "Lev 19:18 You will not avenge yourself or bear anger against the children of your people; but you will love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.", only the practice of this verse would already make the world an extremely better place. Now if only one verse is capable of generating such a great improvement, what would the correct knowledge of such a book say? Now, man is a victim of his wrong actions, and you must be subject to advice that shows the right, and we find this advice in the Bible, which says to do what is right. Salvation is a consequence of those who use their lives for what is good for the universe.
Q: I remember once seeing a little pamphlet entitled "What the Bible Teaches about Morality". When I opened it, I found that it had nothing but blank pages! It would be nice if another pamphlet was published and titled "What the Bible Reveals about Diseases, Medicine and Health", and only blank pages should be used to represent what it says about these vital subjects.
Answer: Now, only what we have already put into this study has already shown what the Bible teaches about morals, and only a small part, writing about Bible morals would fill books and books, not just a pamphlet. Now blank pages would only be the minds of those who do not stick to reading and think they know something they do not know. Now the Bible talks about diseases, but the Bible is more concerned with what really hurts man. For it does not matter the greatest health technology, nor the most intellectual physician, if they are only given to a small class of people. Now the vital issues are not medicine, because even though doctors from different sectors, and cures for different diseases, many people die of hunger, and hunger because countries with technological knowledge that could feed so many people, do not offer this technology out of greed , so the problem is not technology, technology is not a vital issue, greed is. Technology is good for many things, including building atomic bombs, chemical and biological weapons, among others. So the question is not technological but moral. Resolving the morale, the technological, the medical, the health, and so many others are resolved, so the problem is not knowledge, but what I do with such knowledge.
Q: On the contrary, these benefits have been denounced by proponents of the Bible and by representatives of the Bible's divinity as being contrary to "Divine Designs".
Answer: This kind of thinking is like condemning Rutenford the scientist who developed the atomic concept as guilty of creating the atomic bomb. Now Rutenford wanted the evolution of science for good. Likewise condemn Santos Dumont for his aviation technology being used for war? The Scriptures seek the good, that does not prevent the evil man, hear only his greedy will ignoring the Scriptures and distorting them.
Q: Doesn't the Bible clearly state that a man should work for bread that he eats only with the sweat on his face? Here is the exact biblical quote: "From the sweat on your face you will eat your bread ...", and why? Just because he sought knowledge.
Answer: Look again. What was seeking knowledge? The knowledge of good and evil. This is the knowledge that he sought. Let us imagine that Darwin was right, so we would have a man specially trained and organized to live ecologically and environmentally in a system of society highly organized in the biological ways of the biosphere in which he evolved. In this capacity, such a being could only live through the system organized and coordinated by the evolution of the biosphere system. And then a spatial being would arrive who would give this being the right to choose, between knowing only his system of coordination through evolution, and the system against this system of coordination, but warn that this knowledge would be harmful. Now it would be up to man to make a decision, now its not God's fault to give the opportunity, but of the man in choosing something that was warned that it would be bad. So man's error is in obeying, and so it is in all fields. Therefore, the relevant system of importance boils down to obeying a wholesome rule of wanting to discover a destructive path. For example, would it be important for a man to know how much pain another man feels until he reaches death? Of course not. This is a knowledge that man must understand that is expendable. In other words, man must limit himself in his knowledge, to know the good and not seek the evil. For example, knowing the atom to create things that benefit man and the biosphere where he lives, it is important, knowing the construction of an atomic bomb does not. Therefore, the relevant system of importance boils down to obeying a wholesome rule of wanting to discover a destructive path. For example, would it be important for a man to know how much pain another man feels until he reaches death? Of course not. This is a knowledge that man must understand that is expendable. In other words, man must limit himself in his knowledge, to know the good and not seek the evil. For example, knowing the atom to create things that benefit man and the biosphere where he lives, it is important, knowing the construction of an atomic bomb does not. Therefore, the relevant system of importance boils down to obeying a wholesome rule of wanting to discover a destructive path. For example, would it be important for a man to know how much pain another man feels until he reaches death? Of course not. This is a knowledge that man must understand that is expendable. In other words, man must limit himself in his knowledge, to know the good and not seek the evil. For example, knowing the atom to create things that benefit man and the biosphere where he lives, it is important, knowing the construction of an atomic bomb does not. man must limit himself in his knowledge, to know the good and not seek the evil. For example, knowing the atom to create things that benefit man and the biosphere where he lives, it is important, knowing the construction of an atomic bomb does not. man must limit himself in his knowledge, to know the good and not seek the evil. For example, knowing the atom to create things that benefit man and the biosphere where he lives, it is important, knowing the construction of an atomic bomb does not.
Q: And doesn't the God of the Bible put a curse on man for the knowledge that was a great comfort and benefit to him?
Answer: The knowledge that gave you great benefit? What is the benefit of an atomic bomb? What is the benefit of creating a mutant ebola virus for biological warfare? And so many others? The man could without the knowledge of malaise be in a much better situation than he made the decision to know what the author says of benefit, and that is the qualitative system of knowledge for the destruction of himself and his neighbor.
Q: Here is another biblical quote: "... the earth is cursed because of you; in fatigue you will eat it every day of your life".
Answer: See for example, if the Earth has not become cursed, the original term is "cursed", man has been destroying the planet in such a way that we are in the middle of the greenhouse effect, and even man knowing about this destruction, the great industries, companies and governments crazily continue the destruction of the Earth. See if the Earth has not been cursed because of man. Observe the polluted river waters, the extinct and extinct animals, the amplification of natural destruction by human pollution? Now even if the Bible did not exist, any biologist could say "the earth was cursed because of man . "
Q: The Bible is a lie. To a farce and a fraud. I denounce this book and its God.
I hate it deeply. Every man and woman who contributed to the relief of humanity's pain and suffering was unfaithful to the Biblical God!
Answer: See what an ignorant thing to pronounce. For example, did Mother Teresa of Calcutta contribute or not contribute to the relief of pain and suffering? Was she unfaithful to the biblical God? Let's for example read some texts from the bible for example, in this text the bible condemns see " Eze 22:29 The people of the land have been using oppression, and have been stealing and doing violence to the poor and needy, and have been oppressing foreigners unjustly. "Now does this look like a text that seeks to reduce or increase the suffering of others? And this " Zac 7: 9 Thus spoke the Lord of hosts: Execute true judgment, show kindness and compassion each one to his brother;
Zec 7:10 and do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the stranger, or the poor; and none of you intend evil in your heart against your brother. ". Now with few texts from the Bible we can see that the atheist is just ignorant and prejudiced. Because he does not know the Bible, and he judges the Bible by some people and not by what is written in it.
Q: Every new invention, every new discovery for the benefit of man violates these biblical edicts! Seek knowledge, challenge this tyrant God "this is the only salvation.
Answer: See after we show that the man who destroys himself, this atheist out of ignorance dictates that the fault is with the Bible. It defines that God is a tyrant, when the man is a tyrant. Man without following the advice of Scripture is condemned to self-destruct, and see that this is happening in practice, we are at an accelerated pace of destruction of this planet, and this has nothing to do with following the Scriptures, on the contrary it is linked in go against Scriptural counsel. But many atheists prefer human destruction than the Scriptural advice that would lead to a better future.
Q: To the biblical condemnation of the search for knowledge "that paralyzed the human mind during the past and stopped progress" that makes the Bible the most perverted, the most detestable, the most pernicious and the most nefarious book ever published.
It has been a curse for humanity.
Answer: The Scriptures are not the curse for humanity, but the man who does not follow her advice that is cursed, that is, they are curses. The Scriptures determine peace advice, assistance to others and concern for all beings, whether animals, vegetables and their ecosystems. But instead of obeying the Scriptures, several atheists prefer to obey their own will, regardless of whether the ecosystem interferes, or the neighbor indirectly. The rule of many people is to do everything you have in mind, and that is harmful and harmful.
Q: It is the duty of all brave and honest individuals to do everything in their power to destroy the influence of this deeply stupid and vicious book, with its childish concepts about life and its absurdities about the Universe.
It is your duty to do everything in your power to end your demoralizing and paralyzing influence on man's life.
We will never raise intellectual freedom until the perversity of this book has been discarded along with the belief in the flatness of the Earth.
If we don't want to stop the wheels of progress; if we don't want to go back to the Dark Ages; if we do not want to return to living under tyranny "then we must protect our freedom and not allow the Church to take control of our government.
If we allow it, we will lose the greatest legacy ever left to the human race "intellectual freedom.
Let me now say something else.
If all the energy and health wasted on religion" in all its various forms "had been spent to understand life and its problems, today we would be living in conditions that would seem more like a utopia.
Answer: Now we live in the most anthropocentric system that could have existed, and in recent years the land is being almost completely destroyed, if what this atheist is reporting was correct then we would not be in that situation. Today the greed of the US stock exchanges has led to a very dangerous recession, and this has nothing to do with Scripture, but with man's arrogance and greed. And in history it was not the Scriptures that made wars and destruction, but greed and arrogance. See that this atheist does not know the Scriptures, so he just accuses without demonstrating any grounds for accusation, so that he proves that the Scriptures that harm man, or the arrogant man destroys and kills, trying to blame a God who has said the opposite of his evil actions. Now, in this almost totally anthropocentric world, there is no utopia, but greedy leaders using people to work with low income, people with more money than they can afford, and others dying of hunger, and none of this has to do with the Scriptures. The capitalist system that almost the entire planet lives on, and which destroys the earth, has nothing to do with the texts of Holy Scripture. Now if so, then the problem is not in Scripture but in man, who does not follow the ways that help man, and such ways are described in the Holy Scripture, but as a businessman who prefers to destroy nature in order to earn his profits, so is man, even though he knows that the text of the bible is correct " and others starving, and none of this has anything to do with the Scriptures. The capitalist system that almost the entire planet lives on, and which destroys the earth, has nothing to do with the texts of Holy Scripture. Now if so, then the problem is not in Scripture but in man, who does not follow the ways that help man, and such ways are described in the Holy Scripture, but as a businessman who prefers to destroy nature in order to earn his profits, so is man, even though he knows that the text of the bible is correct " and others starving, and none of this has anything to do with the Scriptures. The capitalist system that almost the entire planet lives on, and which destroys the earth, has nothing to do with the texts of Holy Scripture. Now if so, then the problem is not in Scripture but in man, who does not follow the ways that help man, and such ways are described in the Holy Scripture, but as a businessman who prefers to destroy nature in order to earn his profits, so is man, even though he knows that the text of the bible is correct "but you will love your neighbor as yourself "prefers not to accept, so that he may seek his pleasures, and not stay under moral laws.
Q: Most of our social and domestic problems would already have been solved and, just as importantly, our understanding and our relations with other peoples of the world would now have achieved universal peace. The man would have a better understanding of his motives and actions, and would have learned to restrain his primitive instincts for revenge and retaliation. Today he would already know that wars of hatred,
aggression and ambition only produce more hatred and more human suffering.
The enlightened and completely emancipated man from the fears of a God and the dogma of hatred and revenge would make himself a brother to his fellow men.
Answer: See such an atheist tries to change the focus of reality, to one that has no reason. The world is increasingly following its own ideals of pleasure, and this has not helped anything in practice. When analyzing what happens in nature, many scientists see a dark future, and it has nothing to do with the Scriptures but with the greed of man. It is said that we have already passed the point of compensation for nature, and the more we destroy the faster and chaotic the future will be. And this devastation has nothing to do with the Scriptures, but with human arrogance. The Scriptures have a peace solution, but man does not want to follow such advice, and so he follows his destructive path, which will cause the death of thousands of people through pollution that will lead to the strengthening of the greenhouse effect, which will generate more and more temporal calamities. stronger,
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