Currently it is no longer determined as Ancient Jerusalem, but Jerusalem, this city is greatly altered in relation to Ancient Jerusalem, its Geopolitical structure was modified and it became a city related to the religious historical heritage of humanity, and alterations in the historical and religious monuments, being a city not controlled by the Jews but managed indirectly and directly by more powerful countries. On the map we have the following construction: Jerusalem has become a patchwork of religious pieces, divided through international treaties organized by militarily strong countries and the Jerusalem tax imposed on this construction is totally different from Ancient Jerusalem.
Jerusalem has become a patchwork quilt to be shared among various peoples who have determined themselves to have the religious culture of parts of Jerusalem. Divided between Christians, Greeks, Arabs, Armenians and Jews, this city no longer has the hegemonic racial and religious characteristic of Ancient Jerusalem, currently cut out by Christian temples of various lineages, Arab temples worshiping Allah and many other temples, Jerusalem is not distinguished more like the city of Mount Sacred to the Lord due to the lack of a unique character of worship, and mainly through the Arab domination of Mount Moriah through the mosque of Omar, or Oman.The Jerusalem of the present times its divisions.
We see the Divisions of the city of Jerusalem related to the Old City, being that the Jewish quarter is just a piece of Jerusalem, and Mount Moriah became total domination of the Arab mosques, composed of the Esplanade of the Mosques, the sacred region Haram-al Sharif, the Dome of the Rock with the Mosque of Pedra and the Mosque al-Aqsa, forming part of the columns of the Temple of Omar. In 129-130 Emperor Hadrian visited the city and decided to rebuild it according to a completely new plan. Adriano renamed the city Aelia Capitolina. In 324 Emperor Constantine decides that the city should return to its old Jerusalem name. The Byzantine Empress Eudocia authorizes the return of the Jews to Jerusalem (438), In 638 the caliph Omar conquered Jerusalem. Two mosques are built in the area of the Temple esplanade: The Dome of the Rock (691) and the Al-Aqsa Mosque (715), In 1517 Palestine and the city of Jerusalem fell under Ottoman rule that would last until 1917. Under the dominion of Sultan Solimão, The Magnificent, Jerusalem knows peace and religious tolerance.The Characterization of the Mount Moriah Region.
Bearing in mind that Mount Moriah is the location of the Holy Temple, chosen by Yahew as is the translation of Moriah 1 .And keeping in mind that Jerusalem was built because of the Temple, we see a mischaracterization of Ancient Jerusalem over today's Jerusalem. While the old one has the construction of the Temple to Yahew in which Israel went annually, in the present Jerusalem it was totally dominated by the Arab religion.Moriá is the name given to a rocky hill where King Solomon built the temple for God. It was his father, King David, who acquired the land of Jebuseu Araúna to erect an altar there according to: 2Samuel 24: 16-25; 1 Chronicles 21: 15-28; 2 Chronicles 3: 1.Currently, the Islamic sanctuary known as Domo do Rocha or Cúpula da Rocha is at the top of Mount Moriah.The Second Temple was destroyed in 70 by the Romans, with the exception of the western wall, known as the Wailing Wall, which is still preserved and which constitutes the most important pilgrimage place for Jews. According to Jewish tradition, it is the place where the third and last temple should be built in the times of the Messiah.According to Jewish orthodoxy, Jews should not enter the Temple Mount because they consider it a desecrated sacred place and because they could unintentionally violate the sancta sanctorum of the missing temple, that is, the area of the temple whose entrance was only allowed, and it is still so, to the high priest. It is accessible to Christians if they obey certain strict regulations.Currently, the esplanade is one of the most disputed sacred places in the world.The Esplanade of the Mosques or Temple Mount is a sacred place in the old city of Jerusalem. It is also known as Al-Haram ash-Sharif (الحرام الشريف, the Noble Sanctuary) by Muslims and as Har Ha-Bayit (הר הבית Mount of the House or Mount of the Temple, in allusion to the ancient temple) by Jews and Christians.In the area are also two of the most important temples of Islam, the Mezquita de Al-Aqsa, which is the largest mosque in Jerusalem, and the Dome of the Rock, both built in the 7th century. The second owes its name to the stone that, according to tradition, Abraham used to place his son in sacrifice (according to the Bible, Isaac, or, according to the Koran, Ishmael). Islamic tradition states that it was from this same stone that Muhammad ascended to Heaven. The dome is one of the most representative places in the city.1. H4179 - מריּה / מוריּה - môrîyâh - BDB Definition: - Moriah = Chosen by JehovahDetermination of destruction.
In 70 AD the city of Jerusalem was destroyed, this factor is determined by Daniel's prophecy "will destroy the city and the sanctuary, " 10.5.22015 . Daniel was in the Persian period, after that period the reconstruction of Jerusalem and the temple took place and remained so until 70 AD We see that in 10.5.22015 we find " and the people of the prince who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary " 10.5. 22015 . We found it further on 10.5.22016 . Here it focuses on the " despoiler " 10.5.22016 and on it " the determined destruction, which will be poured out " 10.5.22016determining the destruction, when we read " and its end will be with a flood " 10.5.22015 , " and until the end there will be war " 10.5.22015 . Regarding the idea pertinent to the text, we note that there will be no more peace over Jerusalem until the end seen " and until the end there will be war " 10.5.22015 . Mistaking the name as a place of peace. We see that the idea of Jerusalem from the Psalm of David in 10.5 (16093, 16097-16099) mischaracterizes . We see that both peace and the temple are uncharacterized until the end because " and until the end there will be war " 10.5.22015, and knowing that there is no longer the house of the Lord on the mountain determined by Yaveh (Moriá) we have the mischaracterization of the city. The wailing wall is the only remnant of the ancient temple of Herod, erected by Herod the Great in place of the original Jerusalem Temple. It was destroyed by Titus in the year 70. Many faithful Jews visit the Western Wall to pray and deposit their wishes in writing. The Wailing Wall, or Western Wall, (Qotel HaMa \ "*" aravi í¤í «í ¥ úí¬ í¤í®í²í¸áé in Hebrew), is the most sacred place of Judaism. Tito Flávio Vespasiano Augusto (in Latin Titus Flavius Vespasianus Augustus) (Rome, December 30, 39 - Aquae Cutiliae, Sabina, September 13, 81) Roman emperor between the years 79 and 81. He was the eldest son and successor to Vespasian. During his father's reign, Titus fought in the Jewish rebellion in Palestine, taking and razing Jerusalem (70).